Joe Shearer
I compleatly agree , he should have been arrested, but the officer who led the op probally thoguth otherwise!!
But look at the repercussions, a state which was relative calm since the 2010 civil unrest went all out to protest this young kids death , while many politicians tried to influence the subsequent riots , they were mainly a fatherless ,spontaneous protests to vent their anger against the state who had killed this kid.
The Govt of the day failed to comprehend the anger among the youth due to the lack of jobs and constantly living under the threats of violence . Instead of reaching out with reconciliation talks the Central Govt which was in election mode went all out to act nationalist and ended up alienating people in the valley .
We in India must understand the we cannot lay claim to the valley and not accept the people living there.
@Joe Shearer @Khafee @SOUTHie your thoughts?
Your last line sums up the situation. I can't improve on the wording.