Pakistan’s Army VT-4 Deal with China
Pakistan will be acquiring 300 VT-4 from Norinco China

. The delivery will be done in 2 stages/Phases.
a) Phase 1: 176 VT-4 MBT.
b) Phase 2: 124 VT-4 MBT.
Pakistan have paid 860 Million USD for initial batch of 176 MBTs.
Payment of remaining 124 MBTs Will be done later.
Sources confirm that Pakistan’s VT-4 version will be the most capable version compared to Thailand’s & Nigerian Versions. The distinguished features are as follows:
1. Pakistan’s VT-4s will be equipped with 1500 HP Engine rather than standard 1300 HP Engine. Since Pakistan showed reservations with 1300 HP Engine during Evaluation.
2. The Explosive Reactive Armor or ERA on Pakistan’s VT-4s will be “FY-4”. The Standard Version VT-4s has “FY-2”. FY-4 ERA is licensed version of “Relikt ERA”. For the matter of fact Relikt is world’s most capable & advanced ERA.
3. Pakistan’s VT-4s will have better mobility (More powerful Engine 1500 HP). Fire Power, Fire Control System & Optronics of Pakistan’s VT-4s are believed to be superior than all other existing variants.
Alkhalid tank project will continue alongside induction of VT 4 which Pakistan

is acquiring off the shelf. However HIT will possess ability to maintain overhaul and modify tanks if necessary.
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