I am gonna have to disagree with ya on this one. Maybe it's become a "thing" because it needs to be a "thing". These soldiers are going into hostile territory where their life is CONSTANTLY at risk, they have to watch their fellow soldiers dying or losing limbs, they have to take a life if they think it's the right thing or not, theyre having to meet physical demands that anyone else in this country couldn't meet unless their life depended on it (if then), and they're stripped of all their uniqueness , just so they can fight in a battle that they probably don't know anything about. A pointed finger and the command "kill" is the only explanation they may get... so... out of that list of job requirements, how many does a garbage man do in a day?
I don't care if the war is over oil, freedom, or a donut recipe. When they're told to go in and kill the other guys - no questions asked- they do it. If you don't think that warrants a little bit more support or recognition than a garbage man, butcher, or other profession than there really is some ignorance regarding what the military is all about... And it's coming from someone in this thread... but not me... or Grey... or user911.
Seriously, shame on you!! I trying to understand why anyone would say those horrible things, and I don't know...I've got nothing.