Fair enough. Each of us must see a subject through the lens of his (or her) own experience. I have seen the great power that this has. An example: the California F-Test, admittedly not an ordinary instrument , but one famous for its path-breaking role and effectiveness. We can't afford an instrument, also I am not sure that we have all of us seen these in use, so the heuristic method is probably the best. I'm all for it.
Psychometric testing works to an extent, no doubt. BUT it has become more of a legal requirement, than anything else. Most people with a half a brain, will give you answers, the job expects of them. To use it as a vetting tool - it is not fool proof, and is something most decision makers will ignore.
On an online forum, a questionnaire can be more of "breaking the ice" than anything else.
THE MOST important thing we want from users is "Respect". There are users here, who I don't agree with, and vice versa, but as long as everybody knows where the "red line" is, it's all good!
Best Regards