Iranian Treacherous History Towards Pakistan & the way forward | World Defense

Iranian Treacherous History Towards Pakistan & the way forward

ali razza

Apr 20, 2020
1,140 59 0
part 1
we will mobilize half a million shias on roads of pakistan and break it.
it was said as a warning by iranian envoy
the story of iranian hostilities goes long back
a large part pf iran as we know today was under british protection in times of british raj
which was returned to shah raza as a quid pro quo in return pf establishment of anglo persian oil company
when a new state of pakistan emerged persians were looking at it as a natural expansion opportunity for future
they started planting sleeper cells in karachi.
iskander mirza was brought to power by these hidden hands in cahoots with mrs mirza an iranian lady.
which was instrumental in sowing the seeds pf hate between bangali’s and west pakistanis because we couldn’t follow a natural path of democracy
another part of there plan was z a bhutto who was propped up by again his wife mrs nusrat bhutto who was again a iranian agent
she was supported by that persian lobby who supported a martial law in pakistan and then pushed her husban mr bhutto in ayyub cabinet
who then was instrumental in starting of 1965 war.which resulted in a perfectly developing country to go on a permanent path of war with india which is continued to this day.
not only 65 war was a disaster but also our fortunes were lost forever.
and this same mr bhutto later on broke away from ayyub to form his own party at the time when ayyub khan was weakest after war.
then came 1971 and the same planted irani agent mr bhutto became the main character in breaking up the nation in two in a manner that we lost our one hand and got humiliated by india cos we were not able to give bangalis a seat at the table.
wht more depressing is the same mr bhutto went on to sign simla agreement with india
which in plain words is giving india kashmir on platter cos india never come on negotiating table and it will never be resolved case closed.
later when we woke up and got rid of bhutto
iranian regime lost there biggest agent
so they started supporting baloch insurency
yes its a fact princess farah deba was said to have a special obsession with our part of baloch areas.
and that iranian revolution somewhat saved us from iranian plans
after the revolution gen zia out of pure honesty helped iran wholeheartedly when iran was a walkover but we chose to help anything we could
but wht we got was baloch plans were replaced by more lethal shia plans
where shi’a were supported on massive scale and were used to spread out as much hate as possible in pakistan
this doesn’t stop here.
a new phase was started when babaladla and uzair type people were being sheltered by iranians
thanks to UAE we got the guy or else iranians were running around headless to get him.
like bhutto there agents benazir and zardari did as much damage to pakistan as they could
and those days iranians were practically controlling the whole country
things aren’t that different now either with IK cos he is surrounded with leftovers of past and some of his own weaknesses
guys please add ur thoughts to this and please wait for part 2 which is way forward and next plans


Sep 4, 2019
2,688 85 0
When I was young we used to live in PECHS but very close to the road leading to DHA starting in Mahmoodabad .

I remember young Iranians used to come to our house and show us pictures of killed opposition folks and ask for donations. They were very pleasant and I used to feel sorry for what was happening to them.

one night while at my grand mother’s house we heard loud explosions and intense fire fight. It lasted for hours. Later in the morning we found out that the pro Mullah Iranians had attacked the anti Mullah Iranians and intense fight took place .

I was furious. Why would these bearded mullah wanted to kill those polite Iranians?
That was my first introduction to pro Khomani mullahs and fanatics.

later that year for some odd reason my uncle took us to see Ashura from the fourt floor gallery of his in-lawapartment.
I was shocked, horrified and got sick after watching so much blood. My mom was furious why I went to see this disgust.

That day I decided that these people are like animals and they have nothing to do with Islam.

since then I have had many many very good Shia friends and got all kinds of explainations including that only few Shias do that.

but one thing is for sure . Iranians have hijacked their version of religion and has twisted and turned it to the point where they are pushing themselves outside the circle of acceptable Islam .

ali razza

Apr 20, 2020
1,140 59 0
When I was young we used to live in PECHS but very close to the road leading to DHA starting in Mahmoodabad .

I remember young Iranians used to come to our house and show us pictures of killed opposition folks and ask for donations. They were very pleasant and I used to feel sorry for what was happening to them.

one night while at my grand mother’s house we heard loud explosions and intense fire fight. It lasted for hours. Later in the morning we found out that the pro Mullah Iranians had attacked the anti Mullah Iranians and intense fight took place .

I was furious. Why would these bearded mullah wanted to kill those polite Iranians?
That was my first introduction to pro Khomani mullahs and fanatics.

later that year for some odd reason my uncle took us to see Ashura from the fourt floor gallery of his in-lawapartment.
I was shocked, horrified and got sick after watching so much blood. My mom was furious why I went to see this disgust.

That day I decided that these people are like animals and they have nothing to do with Islam.

since then I have had many many very good Shia friends and got all kinds of explainations including that only few Shias do that.

but one thing is for sure . Iranians have hijacked their version of religion and has twisted and turned it to the point where they are pushing themselves outside the circle of acceptable Islam .
these iranians has karachi by balls


Staff member
Nov 17, 2017
24,465 1,293 0
All courtesy of Iran!

252339_83241800 - Copy.jpg

Uzair Baloch 11 Apr 2017 - Copy.jpg
uzair balouch2 - Copy.jpg
Uzair-Baloch - Rangers - Copy.jpg
Baba Ladla Irani - Copy.JPG


Baba Ladla


ali razza

Apr 20, 2020
1,140 59 0
we need a separate thread for the background story of how uzair was put in cage.
btw i saw uzair on mattrah corniche myself before he was arrested in dubai

ali razza

Apr 20, 2020
1,140 59 0
part 2
uzair baloch is a iranian citizen and if he did any crime he has to be deported back to iran.
UAE has no right to send our citizens to any other country.
statement by iranian ministery of foreign affairs.
when uzair was about to board a flight from dubai he was captured by dubai authors.and a shit show began
zardari was panicking and call right left and center.there huge asset was compromised
seeing the situation iranians went on offensive to extract the guy from uae
all sorts of backdoor guarantees and rewards were offered
zardari even in this situation sent her escort to take money all in cash to pay for lawyers on uzair case in dubai.
which was later caught by just one stubborn asf guy who was later killed in revenge cos he exposed the deep web these people had made
and behind all this was same mula sitting in iran
they were exposed about aiding and abetting baloch terror in balochistan as well as target killing in karachi.
which uzair later confessed about killing 1700 people on orders pf his superiors or at least this much he can remember
but to everyone surprise but not some
he also confessed killing of benazir bhutto
yes its true he sent that black sheedi guy who took shot at benazir
but who ordered him.
u guessed it right it was our very own mr zardari
a mass looting was ordered in sind
according to some estimates 800 billion was looted from banks that one day
atleast half of pakistan railways was left to rubble
which to this day we haven’t recovered fully
where is the iranian connection one must ask
yes all this lootings was smuggled to iran most of it was exchanged in USD from karachi and sent to iran
which created a huge deficit in the economy and we were sent packing to IMF for the first time after gen musharaf setup very solid economy
next phase was cutting pakistan from her brotherly countries who were always there for us.
so zardari did it very well.
a saudi firm al tuwairqi steel was setting up a steel manufacturing plant with latest technologies brought in from south korea.
the FDI was one of the biggest ever in first phase they invested 995 millions $ and plant was 99% ready and zardari refused to provide gas for the plant.this is just one of many acts this worm did to us.and our brothers which make them distance themselves from us
same is the story with etisalat deal which he messed up too and 800 million is still rotting in escrow account in london.
that steel mill is still closed to this day.
then come the treachery of gas pipeline in which iranians assured pakistan that indians r serious and that pakistanis will be made sure to get 300 million $ a year from india on account of the meantime india was making kishan ganga dam on neelum river
which according to some insiders was given go ahead by pakistan on promises of iran that if india stops water we will stop gas
but that leverage was gone once india backed out.but iran never went after india for settlements or anything but awarded chabahar port.and not only the port but india was given a base of operations to send in likes of kalbhoosan creat as much instability as possible cos india was doin iranians work in balochistan from the i explained in the first part how balochistan was viewed by shah as natural part of iranians expansion plans
which tells us that pakistan was trapped in the deal by iranians thanks to there agent zardari we lost neelum river and we lost 10 years pf time in which we could have made TAP pipeline for future needs.
moving on to current scenery
iranians started recruiting shias from pakistan to fight there dirty war in syria and iraq by the name of zenibeons
which amount in thousands
when corona virus hit iran hard they wanted to take pakistan with them.
so they sent everyone back and specifically infected people who by a pre plan made a scene at border and entered the country
after which we r suffering the worst health calamity of our existence and iran is solely to be blamed.
with it the minions they have in our society
the likes of zulfi
the list is long and many r hidden in sleeper cells across the country
in the next and final part i will explain how we can take on this menace once and for all.
and wht options we have


Oct 1, 2019
2,855 149 0
guys please add to the subject
There's a lot of good information on this thread, but unfortunately I'm in learning mode and can't help out. A year ago I was defending our Iranian brotherly neighbors on the other world. The likes of you and Khafee got me educated on the subject. MK was the first to call me out.