Yasir Arafat is the PLO and PA is modern representation of that, which GCC, US, Israel, Jordan, and Egypt exclusively supported and sponsored to counter Hamas. So I'm not surprised to see principle-less people dump their principle-less buddies when they are no longer of need. And then the principle-less people act surprised when principled(Not moral or ethical, but willing to stand by allies and project power) nations like Iran and Turkey continue to gain influence in the region. The principle-less people have more countries in the region than the others but can only project power in one half of Yemen and one half of Libya. And they continue self destructing. It's sad to see.Nobody wants to talk about how before the Balfour Declaration Palestinians themselves sold their lands to Jewish settlers, for higher profits at above market prices?
OR how Yasir Arafat left US$3bn as inheritance when he died?
OR what hamas shooting those silly rockets actually achieves, in the long run, who looses the most?
IT is always some one else's fault, for the mess they are in.
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