Italian Armed Forces | Page 2 | World Defense

Italian Armed Forces


Apr 16, 2018
39 2 0
The ACV 1.1, an amphibious combat vehicle developed by Iveco and BAE Systems that has been awarded the contract for the United States Marine Corps.

The vehicle is an 8x8 wheeled vehicle with a top speed of 105 km/h on land and 10 on water.

The vehicle can be air transported by C130 or A400M airplanes.

The protection of the vehicle is the highest on it's class, with high hardness steel monocoque that ia able to protect the crew from the explosion of artillery shell, landmines, IED and small arms fire.

The vehicle is also protected with a NBC System and automatic fire suppression system.

The ACV1.1 can be fitted with remote weapons systems up to 40mm.

It can carry between 10 and 12 troops.

The US Marine Corps awarded the project a 400 million dollars contract for the first 4 years to build 30 vehicles with an option for 204 more units.

The Italian FPM units (force projection from the sea: San Marco, Lagunari & supports) has a long-term planning to buy 74 + 74 of these units.



Apr 16, 2018
39 2 0
Hi everybody,

Here some info about the new UNPAV unit for the Italian Navy.

UNPAV stands for Multirole Really High Speed Naval Unit (Unità Navale Polifunzionale ad Altissima Velocità) and the class it’s named Angelo Cabrini.

Angelo Cabrini was an Admiral and part of the Incursori Commando team that sunk the York ship in 1941.

This class will be used as support for the Special Units both during training and during operations. It will be also used to control marittime traffic.

The ship has been built with composite material, it is 44 meters long and 8.4 meters wide with a top speed of over 30 knots.

The ship has a total displacement of 190 tons and it’s able to carry 1 RHIB.

The command bridge is ballistically protected and has a view of 360°.

The ship has been launched the 26th of may and it will be commissioned in April 2019.

The ship costed 40 million euro.

(All info are taken from RID July)



Oct 15, 2015
1,628 13 0
This is the new LHD for the Italian Navy the San Giorgio class Amphibious Assault Ships, in which the ship will be named after Thaon Di Revel, an Italian Admiral during the 1st World War. it will feature a Kronos StarFire Radar and the Kronos L-BAND AESA Radar. It will also be equipped with a Leonardo Black Snake Torpedo protection system. The Armament will include a 16 cell Sylver A50 for ASTER-15 SAMs, 3 Leonardo 76mm Super Rapid Strales and 3 Oto Melara KBA 25mm naval guns. The Ship will either carry 12 AW101s or NH90s.


Apr 16, 2018
39 2 0
The new Italian missiles systems.
The first missile we will take a look at is the CAMM-ER, this new missile is the future substitute of the airspace defence system Aspide
This system is the evolution of the CAMM and it features almost double the range with approximately 40 Km.
It will use the same RF (Radio Frequency) seeker but a completely new engine.
The missile will be launched for the first time in 2019.
The Marte MK2 it’s the newest system in the light anti-ship medium range missile category that has been devided in 2 different versions.
The MK2S entered service in 2006 as an helicopters launched missile from the AW101 and in 2012 from the NH90.
The MK2N is the version utilized from land based battery and also by naval assets.
The Marte MK2 is a fire and forget missile, with a top speed of Mach 0.8 and a range of 30km.
The missile is capable of performing evasive maneuvers and can be launched in salvos in order to saturate enemy defenses.
The flight profile is Sea skimming and has elevated ECCM (Electronic Counter Counter Measures) capabilities.
For the MK2S version has been suggested an integration on the light attack version of the M-346 aircraft.
A new version of the heavy anti-ship missile Teseo is in working and will be called MK2/E.
The new missile will offer almost double the range thanks to a new engine, bringing the max to 360km.
Thanks to a new RF seeker, the system will be more precise against sea threats and a different seeker will be installed to give the capabilities of attacking ground targets.
It will be possible to decide what effect the missile will have on the target modifying both the fragmentation and the detonation, this will be useful to avoid collateral damage against ground enemies.



Apr 16, 2018
39 2 0
Hi everybody,
Today we will talk about some news of the Italian PPX program.
The PPX is a program started to create a new class of light fregates to field together with the PPA and FREMM Class ships.
The class will also be proposed on the market for export as a Fregate.
The total displacement should be of 3,500 tons, it will be a little bit larger in size than the Doha Class Corvettes (Qatar) that is already being built by Fincantieri.
Part of this class should be in a ASW configuration, the Italian Navy has chosen this type of arrangement in response to the rising number of active submarines around the world.
At the same time all of the ships will be armed with the anti air system MBDA CAMM ER in order to give to the ship also good airspace defence capabilities.
There is still no sure date for the start of the program, but it is plausible that it will start between the years 2020 and 2021.
(All of the news are taken from RID August 2018)
If you want to take a look also at the video, here there is the link



Apr 16, 2018
39 2 0
Hi everybody, there are some news of the Centauro II, the Freccia EVO and the Ariete MLU.

Centauro II
The first prototype of the Centauro II is already completed and 7 more will be the pre series.
Other than the upgrade mentioned in my previous video, the remote HITROLE turret will be moved a little bit further to grant a better view for the tank commander.
After the testing and homologation, the series production will start for a total of 136 total units.

The FRECCIA EVO will use the new turbodiesel Vector V8 engine and completely new ballistic and anti-mine protection.
The turret will be also changed to accommodate the new 30 mm gun with external alimentation.
The gun will feature a new optic stabilization systems that should be the most advanced seen on an IFV till today.

Unfortunately, for the Italian MBT, some rumors about the implementation of a new engine has been proved wrong.
Instead there is the possibility to upgrade the current one, the output probably will pass from 1.300 hp to around 1.450 hp.
A new system for the rotation of the turret will be introduced getting from an hydraulic to an electric system.
There will be also and upgrade for the fire control software. The new anti-mine protection is undergoing the testing to receive it’s homologation.

(All of the news are taken from RID August 2018)



Apr 16, 2018
39 2 0
Hi everybody, here there is the current planning for the future of the Italian Navy by the year 2030.
These infos are taken by what has been said by the Capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina Militare (Navy Chief of staff) Valter Girardelli.

The navy will be composed by:
The Cavour Aircraft Carrier (30.000 t) that might undergo other modifications to extend the flight deck of 25 meters.
The LHD Trieste (34.000 t) that is currently under construction.
4 DDG that means 2 Horizon class (7,050 t) and 2 new DDGs, with AAW & ATBM capabilities, the rumors talk about a 10,000 t displacement.
10 FREMM Class fregates of which 4 ASW and 6 General Purpose
At least 7 PPAs of which 2 Full/ASW, 3 Light+ and 2 Light. Any of these ships, if needed, can be upgraded to full arrangement.
7/8 European Patrol Corvettes (ex PPX about 3.500 t) if the PPAs will stop at 7.
A smaller number will be financed if all 10 PPAs already authorized by the Parliament will be built.
3 LXD, rumors talk about at least 16.000 t, with the capability of carrying 700 troops, with 4 helicopters spots and wet dock for 4 LCM or 1 LCAC, in order to replace 3 LPD San Marco class.
3 LSS Vulcano class to replace Stromboli, Vesuvio and Etna.
8 subs, 4 U-212A, 2 U-212NFS that have just been financed and 2 more U-212NFS to replace the Sauro IV Class.
A new class of minehunters,between 8 and 10, with "long range missions" capabilities to replace 8 Gaeta class.
New Maritime Patrol Aircrafts for long range missions to field together with the 4 P72A.



Jul 22, 2016
677 7 0
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
as far I know the Italians are more focused on the Centauro II because of the mountainous terrain Italy has, it is difficult for MBTs to move across.
as I also know the PPA's should also introduce BMD (Ballistic Missile Defence) Capabilities.
The Italians are starting to prove they are a very strong potent in the Mediterranean


Apr 16, 2018
39 2 0
as far I know the Italians are more focused on the Centauro II because of the mountainous terrain Italy has, it is difficult for MBTs to move across.
as I also know the PPA's should also introduce BMD (Ballistic Missile Defence) Capabilities.
The Italians are starting to prove they are a very strong potent in the Mediterranean
Yeah, it’s true, as you can see by the number of MBT and other type of armored vehicles, the Italian Army doesn’t think that tanks would fit its need.

Yeah, the PPA Full should introduce ATBM capabilities and as stated before, rumors says the same about the future DDG class


Apr 16, 2018
39 2 0
Here the new and old aerospace reconnaissance and patrol assets available to the Italian Armed Forces.
(only satellites and aircrafts)
The OPTSAT 3000 is an Optical reconnaissance Satellite launched in 2017 and has an expected lifetime of 7 years and was built by Telespazio, a joint venture between Leonardo (67%) and Thales (33%).
The COSMO-SkyMed (Constellation of Small Satellites for Mediterranean basin observation) it's composed COSMO 1 and 2 launched in 2007, COSMO 3 launched in 2008 and COSMO 4 launched 2010 with an expected lifetime of 5 years but at the beginning of 2018 the constellation was still operating at the quality requested.
The COSMO is a Radar reconnaissance class of satellites that was built by companies of the Finmeccanica group, such as Telespazio, responsible for the development of the ground segment and management in orbit, Galileo Avionica and Laben for the technologically advanced parts of the platform and radar.
The COSMO-SkyMed second generation is a constellation that for now is composed of 2 satellites, the first one launched in 2018 and the second one will be launched in 2019.
The COSMO-SkyMed second generation is a Radar reconnaissance class of satellites.
The G-550 AEW is an airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) multi-band radar system developed and built by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). Its primary objective is to provide intelligence to maintain air superiority and conduct surveillance.
After Israel chose the Italian M-346 advanced trainer aircraft for the Israeli Air Force in 2012, Italy ordered two G550 AEW systems as an industrial offset. The first one was delivered in 2016.
The P72A is a modified version of the ATR72 developed for the Italian Air Force to partially take the place of the dated Br1150 Atlantic and it's able to carry on surveillance and maritime patrol missions.
Recently the Italian Navy Chief of Staff stated that other long range ASW patrol aircrafts will be requested to field together with the P72A.



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Nov 17, 2017
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New Italian aircraft carrier launched 15 months after construction start
May 25, 2019

Italian Navy LHD Trieste is launched on May 25, 2019. Photo: Fincantieri

The Italian Navy’s new landing helicopter dock (LHD) Trieste was launched in a ceremony at Fincantieri’s Castellammare di Stabia shipyard on May 25.

The multirole and multipurpose amphibious vessel was launched in the presence of Italian president Sergio Mattarella and the Italian Navy chief Adm. Valter Girardelli, among other high-ranking officials.

The LHD is also referred to as an aircraft carrier by as it is expected to be capable of carrying and operating F-35B short-takeoff and vertical landing aircraft. This is yet to receive an official confirmation.

Trieste will be delivered in 2022, according to Fincantieri, and will be capable of deploying aircraft and amphibious vehicles and equipment, relying on a flight deck and a floodable basin located on the stern of the ship.

With over 1,000 sleeping accommodations, the new LHD will feature a 230-meter long helicopter flight deck, allowing the operation of a battalion consisting of 600 personnel, and a dock-garage for 1,200 linear meters of wheeled and tracked vehicles, both civilian and military.

The floodable dock – 50 meters long and 15 meters wide – will enable the ship to deploy amphibious equipment and vehicles of EU and NATO navies. It will also carry fast patrol boats that will be capable of transporting troops at speeds of 40 knots.

Photo: Fincantieri

Embedded video

Marina Militare


Il momento più solenne del varo di nave Trieste, unità d'assalto anfibio multiruolo e multifunzione, oggi a Castellammare di Stabia. #MarinaMilitare #NoiSiamolaMarina@Quirinale @MinisteroDifesa @SM_Difesa


4:11 PM - May 25, 2019

Trieste’s cargo areas are accessible through cranes, stern and side ramps, and handling will be managed by internal ramps and elevators.

In addition to enabling the projection of the landing force of the Italian Navy, Trieste will provide assistance to countries and populations in case of natural disasters, thanks to her capability to provide drinking water, power supply, healthcare and medical support. The unit has also been conceived to carry out command and control functions in case of emergencies at sea, evacuation of nationals and humanitarian assistance operations.

A fully equipped hospital will also be available onboard, complete with operating rooms, radiology and analysis rooms, a dentist’s office, and patient rooms capable of hosting 27 seriously injured patients.

Photo: Italian defense ministry

Fincantieri is also building a 193-meter logistic support ship Vulcano. The ship’s delivery is likely to be delayed as it was heavily damaged in a fire in July 2018, just a month after it was launched.



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Nov 17, 2017
24,465 1,293 0
U.S., Italian F-35As integrate for first time in Astral Knight exercise
By Ed Adamczyk
JUNE 7, 2019

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Senior Airman Christopher Kuhn, 421st Aircraft Maintenance Unit crew chief, salutes Lt. Col. Max Cover, 421st Fighter Squadron F-35A Lightning II fighter pilot, during "Astral Knight 2019" multinational exercises at Aviano Air Base, Italy, on June 3, 2019.
Photo by Tech. Sgt. Jim Araos/U.S. Air Force/UPI

June 7 (UPI) -- The U.S. Air Force announced the completion of a large air-and-missile defense exercise, involving F-35A fighter planes, in Europe.

"Astral Knight 2019" was the first involvement of the planes in a large-scale multinational exercise. It focused on simulated defense of several key areas of terrain from cruise-missile and aircraft strikes. U.S. military forces worked closely with NATO coalition forces of Croatia, Italy and Slovenia at various locations across Europe, conducting operational and cyber scenarios.

The fifth-generation F-35A Lightning IIs and personnel were brought from Hill AFB, Utah, to Aviano Air Base, Italy, in May for exercises and to train with other Europe-based aircraft. The squadron includes the 388th and Reserve 419th and 421st Fighter Wings of the U.S. Air Force.
In a four-day exercise ending on Thursday, the Air Force flew eight sorties per day. For the first time, U.S. Air Force F-35As integrated operationally with Italian air force F-35As. They communicated with each other over the Multifunction Advanced Data Link, a system unique to the plane's platform.

"It's truly rewarding to see that we can leverage all the capabilities of the F-35A, which we have all been working toward," said Lt. Col. Brad Klemesrud, 421st Fighter Wing Squadron deputy commander. "In an exercise this large and complex, you get the opportunity to see how theory meets reality and put into practice what's only been on paper."

The exercise, deemed a success, also tested the capabilities of maintenance teams.
"This is the first overseas location that the 421st AMU's [Aircraft Mantenance Unit] F-35As has gone to," said MSgt. John Ott, 421st AMU F-35A expediter. "Our duties include daily servicing and inspections, as well as logistics and coordination control to receive support on our aircraft and maintainers 24/7."



Staff member
Nov 17, 2017
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Italy Orders 13 M-345 HET Bringing to 18 The Number of New Trainers For The Italian Air Force
by David Cenciotti

View attachment 8109
The Italian Air Force will replace its aging fleet of MB-339s with the “new” M-345HET.

Following an initial contract for five aircraft, Leonardo has signed yesterday a contract with the Armaments and Airworthiness Department of the Italian Ministry of Defence for the supply of 13 M-345 HET (High Efficiency Trainer) aircraft. The contract, worth 300M Euro includes ground-based training systems and a five year logistics support package.

The HET is a further development of the M-345 jet trainer (formerly M-311 – an upgraded jet based on the Siai S-211 airframe), a basic jet trainer whose first production example successfully performed its maiden flight on Dec. 21, 2018. The M-345 HET is equipped with a turbofan engine in the 1.600 kg (3,500 lb) thrust class and will feature long endurance, high load factors (+7/-3,5 g), HUD (Head Up Display) in the front cockpit with repeater in the rear cockpit, MFDDs (multi-function digital displays) for both pilot stations and HOTAS (Hands On Throttle-And-Stick) controls.

The first of 18 new M-345HET is expected to be delivered in 2020 at the 61° Stormo (Wing), based at Galatina, Lecce, in southeastern Italy.
With three depending squadrons (212°, 213° and 214° Gruppo) and three flight lines (MB-339CD and MB-339A – respectively designated FT-339C and T-339A – and M-346, designated T-346A), the 61° Stormo is a Flight School whose task is to train Italian and foreign student pilots.

The courses currently available at Lecce cover the so-called Phase 2, 3 and 4 of pilot training, held in accordance with the IPTS (Integrated Pilot Training System) 2020, a training model that incorporates the lessons identified in the last decades (including the need for advanced jet trainers, simulators, and a revised screening and selection process), and allows a better cost management by reserving precious jets flight hours to those student pilots whose flight and academic performance ensure considerable chances to reach a fighter jet assignment.

With the IPTS-2020, the training paradigm has turned from Generalized to Specialized: unlike what happened in the past, when all the student pilots (SPs) who had passed the initial flight screening (Phase 1) received the same instruction until graduation (end of Phase 3), with the SUPT (Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training) all the SPs get the same education only during the initial and basic jet training (Phase 2), currently carried out by 213° Gruppo on the T-339A, then they are assigned to one of four different tracks based on skills: Fighter, Multi-engine, Helicopter or RPA (Remotely Piloted Aircraft). Those who are selected to continue with a Fighter track assignment remain at Lecce with the 213° to undertake the Advanced and Tactical jet training (Phase 3). Upon finishing Phase 3, SPs are awarded the “Military Pilot” license, earn the pilot wings and then move on to LIFT (Lead-In to Fighter Training) course (Phase 4) carried out by 212° Gruppo on the T-339C and the T-346A.

The plan is to field around 45 M-345 (to be designated T-345) to replace a fleet of 137 MB-339A and CD delivered since the early 80s. The new aircraft will also become the new platform of the Italian Air Force’s Frecce Tricolori display team.

Therefore, in the future, Phase 2 and 3 should be carried out with the M-345 and Phase 4 will be carried out by M-346 “Master” Advanced Jet Trainers (18 of those are already in service with the Italian Air Force). Dealing with the latter ones, during Farnborough Air Show 2018, Leonardo’s CEO, Alessandro Profumo, and the Italian Air Force Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Enzo Vecciarelli, signed a collaboration agreement to strengthen the training services already offered by the 61° Stormo and to establish an all new “International Flight Training School” (IFTS) to support military pilot training.

“The IFTS will ensure the further growth and internationalization of the Italian Air Force’s training school while at the same time increasing its capabilities and the range of pilot training solutions offered to the customers. The IFTS will leverage the existing training assets and expertise in advanced military pilot training of the Italian Air Force in addition to Leonardo supplying four additional M-346 aircraft, new systems and services starting from 2019,” said the official Leonardo statement back then.

“Based on the current plan, the IFTS will be able to deliver courses for Italian Air Force and international Air Force crews, fulfilling the training demands for military pilots worldwide. Starting from 2021, the Italian Air Force’s entire advanced and pre-operational training syllabus will be moved to a new, dedicated facility.”

The IFTS will focus on Phase 4 and will enable to address the growing demand for pilot training from foreign air forces while foreseeing a possible further expansion with another base in Italy (Decimomannu being the most likely one).



Staff member
Nov 17, 2017
24,465 1,293 0
Italy Orders 13 M-345 HET Bringing to 18 The Number of New Trainers For The Italian Air Force
by David Cenciotti

View attachment 8109
The Italian Air Force will replace its aging fleet of MB-339s with the “new” M-345HET.

Following an initial contract for five aircraft, Leonardo has signed yesterday a contract with the Armaments and Airworthiness Department of the Italian Ministry of Defence for the supply of 13 M-345 HET (High Efficiency Trainer) aircraft. The contract, worth 300M Euro includes ground-based training systems and a five year logistics support package.

The HET is a further development of the M-345 jet trainer (formerly M-311 – an upgraded jet based on the Siai S-211 airframe), a basic jet trainer whose first production example successfully performed its maiden flight on Dec. 21, 2018. The M-345 HET is equipped with a turbofan engine in the 1.600 kg (3,500 lb) thrust class and will feature long endurance, high load factors (+7/-3,5 g), HUD (Head Up Display) in the front cockpit with repeater in the rear cockpit, MFDDs (multi-function digital displays) for both pilot stations and HOTAS (Hands On Throttle-And-Stick) controls.

The first of 18 new M-345HET is expected to be delivered in 2020 at the 61° Stormo (Wing), based at Galatina, Lecce, in southeastern Italy.
With three depending squadrons (212°, 213° and 214° Gruppo) and three flight lines (MB-339CD and MB-339A – respectively designated FT-339C and T-339A – and M-346, designated T-346A), the 61° Stormo is a Flight School whose task is to train Italian and foreign student pilots.

The courses currently available at Lecce cover the so-called Phase 2, 3 and 4 of pilot training, held in accordance with the IPTS (Integrated Pilot Training System) 2020, a training model that incorporates the lessons identified in the last decades (including the need for advanced jet trainers, simulators, and a revised screening and selection process), and allows a better cost management by reserving precious jets flight hours to those student pilots whose flight and academic performance ensure considerable chances to reach a fighter jet assignment.

With the IPTS-2020, the training paradigm has turned from Generalized to Specialized: unlike what happened in the past, when all the student pilots (SPs) who had passed the initial flight screening (Phase 1) received the same instruction until graduation (end of Phase 3), with the SUPT (Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training) all the SPs get the same education only during the initial and basic jet training (Phase 2), currently carried out by 213° Gruppo on the T-339A, then they are assigned to one of four different tracks based on skills: Fighter, Multi-engine, Helicopter or RPA (Remotely Piloted Aircraft). Those who are selected to continue with a Fighter track assignment remain at Lecce with the 213° to undertake the Advanced and Tactical jet training (Phase 3). Upon finishing Phase 3, SPs are awarded the “Military Pilot” license, earn the pilot wings and then move on to LIFT (Lead-In to Fighter Training) course (Phase 4) carried out by 212° Gruppo on the T-339C and the T-346A.

The plan is to field around 45 M-345 (to be designated T-345) to replace a fleet of 137 MB-339A and CD delivered since the early 80s. The new aircraft will also become the new platform of the Italian Air Force’s Frecce Tricolori display team.

Therefore, in the future, Phase 2 and 3 should be carried out with the M-345 and Phase 4 will be carried out by M-346 “Master” Advanced Jet Trainers (18 of those are already in service with the Italian Air Force). Dealing with the latter ones, during Farnborough Air Show 2018, Leonardo’s CEO, Alessandro Profumo, and the Italian Air Force Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Enzo Vecciarelli, signed a collaboration agreement to strengthen the training services already offered by the 61° Stormo and to establish an all new “International Flight Training School” (IFTS) to support military pilot training.

“The IFTS will ensure the further growth and internationalization of the Italian Air Force’s training school while at the same time increasing its capabilities and the range of pilot training solutions offered to the customers. The IFTS will leverage the existing training assets and expertise in advanced military pilot training of the Italian Air Force in addition to Leonardo supplying four additional M-346 aircraft, new systems and services starting from 2019,” said the official Leonardo statement back then.

“Based on the current plan, the IFTS will be able to deliver courses for Italian Air Force and international Air Force crews, fulfilling the training demands for military pilots worldwide. Starting from 2021, the Italian Air Force’s entire advanced and pre-operational training syllabus will be moved to a new, dedicated facility.”

The IFTS will focus on Phase 4 and will enable to address the growing demand for pilot training from foreign air forces while foreseeing a possible further expansion with another base in Italy (Decimomannu being the most likely one).



Staff member
Nov 17, 2017
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Leonardo Wins $162M to Supply Italy with ATR 72MP Maritime Patrol Aircraft
October 10, 2019
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Italy’s Guardia di Finanza agency has signed an agreement for three additional ATR 72MPs maritime patrol aircraft for €150 million ($162 million).

The agreement includes providing related technical-logistic support services to the customer, the company said in a statement Wednesday.

This completes the acquisition of four aircraft, the first order was placed in July 2018, awarded under a European tender. The first aircraft will be delivered by the end of 2019, with the remaining three units expected to be supplied by 2022.

The aircraft, developed and produced by Leonardo using the ATR 72-600 turboprop as a base, can act in a number of roles including maritime patrol for the search and identification of surface vessels, SAR (search and rescue) missions, the prevention of narcotics trafficking, piracy, smuggling, territorial water security and monitoring and intervention in the event of environmental catastrophes.

The ATR 72MPs will be provided with the latest communication systems, able to transmit or receive information in real time to/from command and control centres either on the ground, in the air or at-sea, to ensure coordinated and effective operations.

The aircraft will also be equipped with a self-protection system, fully integrated with the ATR 7MP’s mission system and avionics. The aircraft will be able to fly missions lasting six and a half hours at ranges up to 200 nautical miles from its starting location.

The ATR 72MP - already in service with the Italian Armed Forces in a military version called P-72A - is equipped with the modular Leonardo ATOS (Airborne Tactical Observation and Surveillance) mission system. The ATOS manages the wide range of sensors of the aircraft, combining the information received in an overall tactical situation and presenting the results to the operators of the mission system in a suitable format, constantly updating current scenarios.