One of the questions that gets thrown at Muslims, especially Pakistani Muslims is Are you a Pakistani first? Or are you a Muslim first? ..... well no matter how much (being a Pakistani Muslim) I find this question to be obscure and ill designed with malicious intent to put me in difficult situation ....... it still demands answering, for people who genuinely have no idea about the whole idea of brotherhood. I have devoted and spared sometime .... honestly thinking how to counter this question and skip this situation where people value loyalty, faith, honesty, devotion, and hard work ..... in terms of how much patriotic I am, I can be Einstein of my times but if I don't pass the test of patriotism I am not good. Also the fact that I kept feeling insecure as if I would choose one I would lose the other. I am sure this thought comes across minds of many Pakistani Muslims and may be Indian Muslims as well ..... (I won't go into details of how this may pose different situations for both sets of Muslims). So ladies and gentlemen my insecurity as usual taught me something about this situation and how to tackle it.
I would start with a straight answer ......... nationality is my identity and brotherhood (being Muslim) is my faith. How these two should be related and interlinked? sincerely I don't understand, I don't find any link between the two, neither I find one dominant enough to refuse me opting the other. However, the only difference I find between the two is the ease with which I can change my faith and the difficulty I may face changing my nationality. Its like one is purely my own free will and the other is totally out of my hands and control. Yes anyone out of us billions humans can become a Muslim from anything or from a Muslim to anything, but can the same person at the same time become national of a totally new nation renouncing his old nation? Like one fine morning can I declare that from now onward I am Indian, Chinese or Brazilian and not Pakistani? So dear readers do you find any rationality behind asking this question to anyone, whether he is Christian Muslim Hindu first or He is a Martian first?
Nationhood may be a centuries old concept but it isn't a divine order. Its a human creation and invention, separating and dividing humans from each other and then focusing to turn them zombies (not all the ones who feed on judging patriotism of others). It is one the solid reasons for a first time nuclear world war, what it positive it has brought to the humans? I live in Pakistan have three times food and I feel distant from people of say Africa who faced the worst droughts, or say Yemenis or Syrians or people who live in the first world but still are homeless. Do I as Pakistani feel their pain, or does my being Pakistani make me feel their pain? No dear readers it doesn't, if it did ........ we may have saved many innocent humans. Its the age of nationhood and feeling insecure about your nation, hating other nationalities ...... I just got born into it, I have no mode available to me to change my origins, or ask free movement on the Earth, or go to any part of the world I like, without being hindered. I have to prove my identity before I go anywhere, even within the city I am living I may be asked anytime to prove my identity. So based on this suffocating conditions and era I am living won't it be reasonable for the original question to be modified and I may be asked instead
Am I Abottonian first? Or Am I am KPKian first? Or Am I Pakistani First? Or Am I Muslim first? ....... and interestingly the answer to this would be reverse of the questions asked ..... I am Muslim, Pakistani, from KPK living in Abbottabad.
Brotherhood or to be more specific Muslim Brotherhood is a divine concept, not intended to discriminate and form groups to distinguish yourself from others but to care and look after each other, to make the others living with you feel more secure and safe from yourself. And its natural, its not unique to Islam or Muslims only ..... its natural for humans, to associate to another group of humans. Indian Hindus feeling for Pakistani Hindus, a person from Amish community feeling for another Amish, even an Atheist feeling for another Atheist or the worst in today's times LGBT becoming rainbows for similar people. So what crime do I commit if I feel for any other ordinary Muslim living in any other part of the world? And why my being Pakistani has to stop me from it? Or what that others being Ugandan has got to do with it? Why should we both be judged for this? Why this crooked world wants me to ask idiot questions before I start helping anyone in distress? State itself is not a living entity Pakistani state can do whatever it wants to do with another state ...... but should those actions translate into humans fearing and hating other humans? Why can't we understand this simple thing that its the states that go to war these days and then it comes to humans who kill each other in those wars.
But in any case why is it necessary to mix two different things to judge my loyalty, my conduct and my intentions? If I am Muslim who understands the message of Quran believe me you won't wish to know my nationality ...... it should be enough for you as a Non Muslim that I am Muslim and you are safe in my presence.
@Khafee @Indus Falcon @H!thchiker @Hellhound @Tps77
I would start with a straight answer ......... nationality is my identity and brotherhood (being Muslim) is my faith. How these two should be related and interlinked? sincerely I don't understand, I don't find any link between the two, neither I find one dominant enough to refuse me opting the other. However, the only difference I find between the two is the ease with which I can change my faith and the difficulty I may face changing my nationality. Its like one is purely my own free will and the other is totally out of my hands and control. Yes anyone out of us billions humans can become a Muslim from anything or from a Muslim to anything, but can the same person at the same time become national of a totally new nation renouncing his old nation? Like one fine morning can I declare that from now onward I am Indian, Chinese or Brazilian and not Pakistani? So dear readers do you find any rationality behind asking this question to anyone, whether he is Christian Muslim Hindu first or He is a Martian first?
Nationhood may be a centuries old concept but it isn't a divine order. Its a human creation and invention, separating and dividing humans from each other and then focusing to turn them zombies (not all the ones who feed on judging patriotism of others). It is one the solid reasons for a first time nuclear world war, what it positive it has brought to the humans? I live in Pakistan have three times food and I feel distant from people of say Africa who faced the worst droughts, or say Yemenis or Syrians or people who live in the first world but still are homeless. Do I as Pakistani feel their pain, or does my being Pakistani make me feel their pain? No dear readers it doesn't, if it did ........ we may have saved many innocent humans. Its the age of nationhood and feeling insecure about your nation, hating other nationalities ...... I just got born into it, I have no mode available to me to change my origins, or ask free movement on the Earth, or go to any part of the world I like, without being hindered. I have to prove my identity before I go anywhere, even within the city I am living I may be asked anytime to prove my identity. So based on this suffocating conditions and era I am living won't it be reasonable for the original question to be modified and I may be asked instead
Am I Abottonian first? Or Am I am KPKian first? Or Am I Pakistani First? Or Am I Muslim first? ....... and interestingly the answer to this would be reverse of the questions asked ..... I am Muslim, Pakistani, from KPK living in Abbottabad.
Brotherhood or to be more specific Muslim Brotherhood is a divine concept, not intended to discriminate and form groups to distinguish yourself from others but to care and look after each other, to make the others living with you feel more secure and safe from yourself. And its natural, its not unique to Islam or Muslims only ..... its natural for humans, to associate to another group of humans. Indian Hindus feeling for Pakistani Hindus, a person from Amish community feeling for another Amish, even an Atheist feeling for another Atheist or the worst in today's times LGBT becoming rainbows for similar people. So what crime do I commit if I feel for any other ordinary Muslim living in any other part of the world? And why my being Pakistani has to stop me from it? Or what that others being Ugandan has got to do with it? Why should we both be judged for this? Why this crooked world wants me to ask idiot questions before I start helping anyone in distress? State itself is not a living entity Pakistani state can do whatever it wants to do with another state ...... but should those actions translate into humans fearing and hating other humans? Why can't we understand this simple thing that its the states that go to war these days and then it comes to humans who kill each other in those wars.
But in any case why is it necessary to mix two different things to judge my loyalty, my conduct and my intentions? If I am Muslim who understands the message of Quran believe me you won't wish to know my nationality ...... it should be enough for you as a Non Muslim that I am Muslim and you are safe in my presence.
@Khafee @Indus Falcon @H!thchiker @Hellhound @Tps77