This is a documentary you might find interesting, about how the Nazis built some of the biggest and deadliest pieces of military hardware in history and uncovering the hidden remains of Hitler's most ambitious megastructures
The German nuclear scientists in NAZI Germany worked on nuclear power instead of the "bomb" because they felt that the American scientists wouldn't, and they anticipated that Germany would loose the war. They were thinking about after the war. Most Germans were unaware of the horrors being done in their name (I think they were afraid to think about it). When we count the numbers of victims of the NAZIs we need to include most of their followers. Millions of Germans and their allies died in the war. Many of the soldiers were just young men forced to fight for a bunch of lies.Well the Germans were and are the best when it comes to engineering and so I am not surprised about the weapons they developed or planned to develop. I only wonder about the things those Nazi scientists and engineers could have achieved had they focus on development rather than war.