Seriously? You truly think an aircraft that has the loadout equivalent to almost that of the Flanker (J-15) and JH-7AII cannot be made to carry a full fledged cruise missile while a Mirage 3/5 family can (albeit a smaller one)?
Yaaap just check the size and weight of CJ-10, as far as Mirage is concern it take RA'AD cruise missile which is the evolution of Babur missile in miniaturise form for air launch purpose, so plz check the weight and size of RA'AD missile, secondly even if JH-7 is successfully modified to carry Long rang cruise missile like BABUR then
how many it would be abel to carry??
and up to which distance????
Food for thought
Also to hit Mumbai and the Indian west coast we can't do it without an aircraft like an H-6?
Mumbai is accessible for us from many means,
Indian west is our Eastern border with India, so I think you are asking about Indian eastern coast and southern coast ????
If this is the case than currently our ballistic missiles and submarine our only option with us which we could use to target those centres but both option have some of their limitations like any other option but H-6 would increase our options to hit Indian South, Southeastern coast as well as Indian naval vessels in deep open sea which
currently can be targeted only by our submarines
Here I would emphasis you to study limitations of PN which is necessary to understand why the idea of H-6 is purposed
A destroyer can operate on it's own. I doubt whether an H-6K can?
Nope at such ranges where H-6 could reach and hit the target and return no destroyer would be able to operate alone
Here consider the war time employment and deployment areas for purposed idea of destroyers
Factor in the operating cost of the support assets that will required for the H-6 as well.
A destroyer would required 150-200 staff on board to operate it plus other staff in other supporting ships plus to keep that flotilla deployed in constant threat zone in enemy backyard secure supply line would need to be establish for extended period of time that too would require deployment of ADDITIONAL assets and resources, plus maintenance of Destroyer and supporting Flotilla all would cost us enormous amount of finance
So plz understand that currently no surface asset of PN fleet is able to be deployed and strike Indian southern and southeastern shores and this status is going to remain as it is for quite some time,
so again i would request to learn the limitation of PN first to under the idea how H-6 will mitigate those limitations
Discussion was primarily about hitting Mumbai and the Indian West Coast.
Not from my end
I explicitly mention in one of my post that I am purposing the idea which go beyond Mumbai
Now it appears to me that you are not reading my post in detail but cursory manner so to post all of post in summarise manner and to make the reason of this purposed idea understandable I am posting following bullet points
- H-6 can deny the striking capabilities of Indian navy against Pakistan's coastal assets (read my previous post as reference in this regards)
- H-6 will give you reach way beyond Mumbai in fact I explicitly mention Kochi as one of the target of Interest at Indian southern coast
- H-6 employment in offensive role will force IN and IAF to disburse their assets at south as well which currently no system in Pakistan's inventory could do even our submarine would only tie down IN assets not IAF assets
- H-6 would make us capable to hit Indian ships at very long distances in open sea let suppose an Indian ship deployed at 2000-2500 km from Pakistani coast, currently you do not have any option other than submarine
So in short H-6 could give us
long striking range in sea and at Indian coast, could force TWO SERVICES of Indian defence to disburse their assets far from our eastern boarder thus
releasing pressure from our east, supplements our surface fleet and would increase their area of operation by repelling Indian surface fleet beyond Horn of Africa (read my previous post)