Thank you for the welcome. I have a list of my books but no articles to post though.
Author of Swift & Sure with Prof Laurie Barber (history of RNZ Signals). New Zealand Army Distinguishing Patches 1911-1991 (two volumes) with Malcolm Thomas. The Armed Forces of Aden 1839- 1967, with David Birtles, Anzac Elite with Julian Tennant, The Royal Corps of Signals: Unit Histories (1920-2001 and their Antecedents with Dr Graeme Watt, The Royal Corps of Signals: Unit Histories (1920-2001 and their Antecedents Supplement, Invaluable Service, with Prof. Des Ball, The Armed Forces of Aden and the Protectorates 1839-1967, The Naval Force of Abu Dhabi 1967-1976 with Associate Professor Athol Yates, The Military and Police Forces of the Gulf States Vol 1: Trucial States and United Arab Emirates, and 1951-1980.
How do I get to take my name off and put in a nom de plume?
Best regards,
Welcome to the forum. We would love to read your work if you have something handy please do share.