Saudi & Turkish War Against Terrorism in Syria | World Defense

Saudi & Turkish War Against Terrorism in Syria


Dec 5, 2014
1,989 10 0
Saudi’s decision to send troops in Syria ‘final’
Feb 11, 2016

Saudi’s decision to send troops to Syria in an attempt to bolster and toughen efforts against militants is “final,” the spokesman of the Saudi-led coalition force in Yemen announced on Thursday.

Brig. Gen. Ahmed Al-Assiri, said that Riyadh is “ready” and will fight with its U.S.-led coalition allies to defeat Daesh militants in Syria, however, he said Washington is more suitable to answer questions on further details about any future ground operations.

“We are representing Saudi’s [decision] only” in sending troops, he said.

He also sent a message to Iran, saying that if Tehran is serious in fighting Daesh, then it must stop supporting “terrorism” in Syria or Yemen.

Riyadh has long accused Tehran of supporting the Houthi militia in Yemen against the internationally-recognized government there. Iran is also a key ally to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

The military spokesman also said that the Islamic Military Alliance will take effect within two months.

Thirty-five Muslim countries released a joint statement announcing the formation of the alliance against terrorism in December last year.

The alliance’s joint command center is located in the Saudi capital Riyadh.
Saudi’s decision to send troops in Syria ‘final’ - Saudi Gazette


Staff member
Nov 25, 2014
2,410 25 0
Hmm... Brilliant.
Saudi want to ease pressure on FSA who are fighting ISIS on a hand and Assad on the other hand , get rid of ISIS so Assad find no excuse that he is fighting terrorism.


Apr 12, 2015
677 14 0
Hmm... Brilliant.
Saudi want to ease pressure on FSA who are fighting ISIS on a hand and Assad on the other hand , get rid of ISIS so Assad find no excuse that he is fighting terrorism.

The things the Saudis don't understand is that no Western countriy will send any ground forces as we will be seen as "crusaders invading holy muslim lands" and then ISIS would call to all muslims to Jihad against our troops. It is a trap.
Now,is Saudi Arabia ready to send ground troops alone ? (Or in some cases with its arab allies).
Tell me if i am wrong,but Saudi Arabia says they would intervene in coordination with the US-Led coalition,does that mean the Saudis would intervene only if there are US troops on the ground ?

@Falcon29 @Bubblegum Crisis @Scorpion


Dec 5, 2014
1,989 10 0
Kingdom vows to add more might to Syrian campaign


DETERMINED TO ROOT OUT TERROR: Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman with US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter in Brussels on Thursday. (SPA)


Published — Friday 12 February 2016
Last update 12 February 2016 8:09 pm

BRUSSELS/RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has decided to increase its military contributions to the campaign against Daesh, including offering to expand its role in the air campaign, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s spokesman said on Thursday after bilateral talks.

Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met Carter at a gathering of coalition defense ministers at NATO headquarters in Brussels.

“The secretary thanked the deputy crown prince for participating in the meeting of coalition defense ministers, and for Saudi Arabia’s decision to increase its military contributions, especially the Kingdom’s offer to expand its role in the air campaign,” Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said in a statement.

Carter predicted that recent US-led efforts to accelerate the fight against Daesh would produce “tangible gains” in Iraq and Syria by March. He urged coalition partners to expand and deepen their military contributions.

“This meeting marks the beginning of a new stage in the coalition campaign to defeat Daesh,” Carter said. He suggested that countries not answering his call to do more may regret their choice when the struggle is over.

“We will all look back after victory and remember who participated in the fight,” he said.

In Munich, Germany, US Secretary of State John Kerry was trying on Thursday to find a way to halt what amounts to a parallel war in Syria. Five years of civil war have pitted Bashar Assad’s government, backed by Russia and Iran, against an array of weakened opposition groups.

Carter said coalition military chiefs, including US Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, would meet soon to discuss and evaluate the campaign, and that in mid-March the US Central Command headquarters in Florida would convene a military conference to assess progress.

“By then, at the latest, we should begin to see tangible gains from those additional capabilities, from the ones the coalition is already bringing to bear,” Carter said.

At a separate news conference, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance agreed to deploy NATO airborne command and control aircraft in order to free up similar US aircraft for the campaign in Syria and Iraq. Details were to be worked out.

“We are looking into how we can step up our effort” beyond that, Stoltenberg said, suggesting that no additional NATO military contributions are imminent.

Earlier, Saudi Arabia said its offer to send ground troops into Syria in an attempt to bolster and toughen efforts against terrorists is an “irreversible decision.”

Brig. Gen. Ahmed Al-Assiri, spokesman of the Saudi-led coalition force in Yemen, said that Riyadh is “ready” and will fight with its US-led coalition allies to defeat Daesh militants in Syria. However, he said, Washington is more suitable to answer questions on further details about any future ground operations. “We are representing Saudi (decision) only in sending troops,” he said.

Saudi Arabian television quoted Al-Assiri as saying Saudi Arabia wanted the US-led coalition targeting Daesh to agree to the Kingdom's deployment.

Riyadh has long accused Tehran of supporting the Houthi militia in Yemen against the internationally recognized government there. Iran is also a key ally to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad’s regime.
Kingdom vows to add more might to Syrian campaign | Arab News


Nov 29, 2014
1,042 14 0
Palestinian Territory, Occupied
The things the Saudis don't understand is that no Western countriy will send any ground forces as we will be seen as "crusaders invading holy muslim lands" and then ISIS would call to all muslims to Jihad against our troops. It is a trap.
Now,is Saudi Arabia ready to send ground troops alone ? (Or in some cases with its arab allies).
Tell me if i am wrong,but Saudi Arabia says they would intervene in coordination with the US-Led coalition,does that mean the Saudis would intervene only if there are US troops on the ground ?

@Falcon29 @Bubblegum Crisis @Scorpion

I agree, Western troop deployment won't be taken lightly. Because everybody knows it the objective would be to 'nation build', ie put dictatorial government that's friendly to Israel into power. Arab nations like Saudi Arabia have same objective. I don't believe any of them will deploy troops.

It's funny how some in the international community are now demanding a ceasefire. That's just a way to stop the defeat of the rebels. Those actors have no right to declare any form of cease fire. They want the status-quo to continue or be able to buy time to scramble and arm opposition. I don't want that. I want Assad/Hezbollah to win. So that Arab dumbfucks get screwed since clearly they are not willing to change their strategy and still want to install Israel friendly dictatorial governments as opposed to Islamists.

These people will never learn, they deserve the worst. This has nothing to do with ISIS, it's about these snobby people poking their nose in Syria to try to force their agenda on the people there. Both sides are forcing their agenda. If I had to choose between two agendas, the Assad agenda and the Israeli/US/Arab dictatorial one, I would side with Assad.

On a serious note, Saudi Arabia isn't gonna do anything.


Nov 27, 2014
3,197 56 0
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
The things the Saudis don't understand is that no Western countriy will send any ground forces as we will be seen as "crusaders invading holy muslim lands" and then ISIS would call to all muslims to Jihad against our troops. It is a trap.
Now,is Saudi Arabia ready to send ground troops alone ? (Or in some cases with its arab allies).
Tell me if i am wrong,but Saudi Arabia says they would intervene in coordination with the US-Led coalition,does that mean the Saudis would intervene only if there are US troops on the ground ?

@Falcon29 @Bubblegum Crisis @Scorpion

Please don't adapt the tone of the Americans. You come from a civilized country with very rich history so leave that aside please. Don't lump all European countries together with the U.S as we have seen nothing form the U.S except the destruction of the ME starting with the invasion of Iraq while France is known for its great contribution to the stability of the world not just in the ME. ISIS calling muslims for jihad? are you serious? tell me one muslim nation that take what ISIS says or does seriously. Islam has nothing to do ISIS neither ISIS has got anything to do with Islam and that has been put clear to all world countries.

The U.S led collation has been participating in air strikes against ISIS and Saudi Arabia is part of that collation. Saudi Arabia decision is clear, ground troops from all participant countries or there will be no intervention whatsoever. Another option is the Islamic collation which is composed of 35 well trained and equipped countries will do that job.

I agree, Western troop deployment won't be taken lightly. Because everybody knows it the objective would be to 'nation build', ie put dictatorial government that's friendly to Israel into power. Arab nations like Saudi Arabia have same objective. I don't believe any of them will deploy troops.

It's funny how some in the international community are now demanding a ceasefire. That's just a way to stop the defeat of the rebels. Those actors have no right to declare any form of cease fire. They want the status-quo to continue or be able to buy time to scramble and arm opposition. I don't want that. I want Assad/Hezbollah to win. So that Arab dumbfucks get screwed since clearly they are not willing to change their strategy and still want to install Israel friendly dictatorial governments as opposed to Islamists.

These people will never learn, they deserve the worst. This has nothing to do with ISIS, it's about these snobby people poking their nose in Syria to try to force their agenda on the people there. Both sides are forcing their agenda. If I had to choose between two agendas, the Assad agenda and the Israeli/US/Arab dictatorial one, I would side with Assad.

On a serious note, Saudi Arabia isn't gonna do anything.

Easy man and try to be factual in your input and objective.


Nov 29, 2014
1,042 14 0
Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Easy man and try to be factual in your input and objective.

Corker and Cardin are two of about a dozen senators and two members of the House who spoke with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al Jubeir in Washington during a series of wide-ranging meetings, which homed in on the anti-ISIS campaign. That fight has reached a critical juncture, as the U.S. and Russia agreed Thursday to a halt in hostilities on the ground in Syria.

“We said that if the U.S.-led coalition is going to send ground troops into Syria, we are prepared to send special forces, so now we are waiting to see what the plan looks like,” Jubeir said in an interview this week. “But we have said yes, we’re prepared to provide special forces as part of the ground operations in Syria.”


Special forces have no purpose or use in a ground invasion meant to capture territory. Saudi Arabia won't do anything. Today the crossing of Azaz was taken over by Kurds with Russian support. That was supposedly the Turkish red line, even Turkey is not doing anything about it.

Because of Assad's advances, suddenly US, NATO , Israel and Arab nations are very interested in ground invasion. So they are doing it for sake of making sure the government doesn't recapture the state's territory. Not for making the situation any better for the people or ensuring them the right to self determination. Assad and Russia shouldn't accept a cease fire and keep the offensive going.

He shouldn't give Israel or Arab regimes any sense of victory or give them time to rearm opposition. Because these nations seek to keep the country in a perpetual state of war known as stalemate. A regime victory is better than perpetual state of war from these hypocritical entities who suddenly worry about 'siege' and humanitarian consequences but don't give a single crap when Israel bombs 2300 people to death in 4 weeks and Egypt/Israel besiege Palestinians putting them in the worst conditions seen anywhere in the world. Syrians have it a lot better off, have open access to Turkey, have international support and have electricity and what not.


Nov 27, 2014
3,197 56 0
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

Corker and Cardin are two of about a dozen senators and two members of the House who spoke with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al Jubeir in Washington during a series of wide-ranging meetings, which homed in on the anti-ISIS campaign. That fight has reached a critical juncture, as the U.S. and Russia agreed Thursday to a halt in hostilities on the ground in Syria.

“We said that if the U.S.-led coalition is going to send ground troops into Syria, we are prepared to send special forces, so now we are waiting to see what the plan looks like,” Jubeir said in an interview this week. “But we have said yes, we’re prepared to provide special forces as part of the ground operations in Syria.”


Special forces have no purpose or use in a ground invasion meant to capture territory. Saudi Arabia won't do anything. Today the crossing of Azaz was taken over by Kurds with Russian support. That was supposedly the Turkish red line, even Turkey is not doing anything about it.

Because of Assad's advances, suddenly US, NATO , Israel and Arab nations are very interested in ground invasion. So they are doing it for sake of making sure the government doesn't recapture the state's territory. Not for making the situation any better for the people or ensuring them the right to self determination. Assad and Russia shouldn't accept a cease fire and keep the offensive going.

He shouldn't give Israel or Arab regimes any sense of victory or give them time to rearm opposition. Because these nations seek to keep the country in a perpetual state of war known as stalemate. A regime victory is better than perpetual state of war from these hypocritical entities who suddenly worry about 'siege' and humanitarian consequences but don't give a single crap when Israel bombs 2300 people to death in 4 weeks and Egypt/Israel besiege Palestinians putting them in the worst conditions seen anywhere in the world. Syrians have it a lot better off, have open access to Turkey, have international support and have electricity and what not.

Your reading to he whole situation in based on prediction. Saudi Arabia has been calling for military intervention many many times since 2011 till this day. Russia and China blocked the UN resolution. Saudi Arabia then reject the UN seat. Arms and supplies have been pouring on the Syria rebels by mainly Saudi Arabia. Its now the Russia intervention has worsen the issue making it into the favour of Assad on which you based your assumption on. Yes there will be no intervention with out the support of world super power and in my opinion its juts to prevent any betrayal. There is no country that has worked on level to stop this madness expect Saudi Arabia. Largest humanitarian donor to Syria and Palestine is Saudi Arabia. The newly formed Islamic collation has been formed by Saudi Arabia and all Arab countries are participants except Algeria and Lebanon. Islamic countries are also part of the collation from Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia to the African region. Please don't race against time rather let time tell us what we need to know.

Bubblegum Crisis

Dec 22, 2014
230 5 0
Saudi Arabia
United Kingdom

Now,is Saudi Arabia ready to send ground troops alone ? (Or in some cases with its arab allies).
Tell me if i am wrong,but Saudi Arabia says they would intervene in coordination with the US-Led coalition,does that mean the Saudis would intervene only if there are US troops on the ground ?

@Falcon29 @Bubblegum Crisis @Scorpion

Not with or without. And this will very certainly without them (USA).

We just want to be in a framework law. Moral support and possibly air as with the current tasks of the coalition (USA and NATO).

There will undoubtedly us (KSA, UAE) as well as Turkey, Egypt and Jordan. Like in Yemen. Operations will be air and land.

Last edited:


Dec 5, 2014
1,989 10 0
Turkey says ready to join anti-ISIL ground operation with Saudi Arabia in Syria

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu (L) shakes hands with his Saudi counterpart, Adel al-Jubair, during a recent visit to Riyadh. (Photo: Cihan)

February 13, 2016, Saturday/ 12:33:24/ TODAYSZAMAN.COM | ISTANBUL
Turkey and Saudi Arabia support a ground operation against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Syria, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has said.

In remarks published on Saturday, Çavuşoğlu also said that Riyadh is set to deploy warplanes at an air base in southern Turkey and is ready to send troops as well.

“Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been in favor of a ground operation in the fight against Daesh. We have been saying in all meetings of the [US-led anti-ISIL] coalition that there should be a comprehensive strategy. We have said if such a strategy is put in place, we, as Turkey and Saudi Arabia, can join a ground offensive,” Çavuşoğlu told pro-government Yeni Şafak newspaper, referring to ISIL with an Arabic acronym.

“Saudi Arabia is now sending planes to Turkey, to İncirlik [air base]. They have come and inspected the bases. How many planes will be coming is not known yet. They said they could send troops as well if necessary,” Çavuşoğlu said, adding that it attests Saudi Arabia's determined stance to fight against terrorism in Syria.

According to the foreign minister, if ISIL is eliminated through an extensive campaign including a ground offensive, then the world will not be forced to choose the “lesser evil,” between ISIL and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Asked if Saudi troops can enter Syria from Turkey, he said: “This is a wish. It is not something that has been planned. Saudi Arabia is sending planes and says it can send troops for a ground operation as well.”

Saudi Arabia said earlier this month that it was ready to send ground troops to Syria to fight ISIL if coalition leaders agree on it.

Çavuşoğlu's remarks came amid suggestions that Turkey might be preparing for an incursion into Syria as an offensive by Syrian forces, backed by Russian air strikes, has reversed opposition gains on the ground and encircled rebels inside Aleppo. Asked whether Turkey will take action to reopen a strategic land corridor between Turkey and rebels in Aleppo, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said, “Wait for the next few days and you will have the answer.” His remarks were published on Friday.

On Thursday, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Turkey's patience may run out over the crisis in Syria and it could be forced to take action.

Çavuşoğlu slammed the Russian air strikes, saying a mere 12 percent of them target ISIL while the remaining 88 percent are against the opposition, and criticized Turkey's Western partners for not sufficiently speaking out against the Russian actions.

“The main question is this: Who is going to stop Russia? Is it the UN? Is it NATO? Or is the US going to convince [Russia]?” he said.

‘Serious cooperation'

The foreign minister said Turkey and Saudi Arabia had a “serious cooperation” in military and defense industry areas.

“We are on the same page regarding Syria. We have supported the initiative proposed by Saudi Arabia to form an anti-terror coalition, to create a military force to fight terrorism. This will include intelligence, troops and other elements,” he said.
Turkey says ready to join anti-ISIL ground operation with Saudi Arabia in Syria


Nov 29, 2014
1,042 14 0
Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Your reading to he whole situation in based on prediction. .

That's the point my friend, I'm trying to analyze the situation to see what I could make out of it. We now have reports that 20 Saudi Jets arrived at a Turkish airbase to prepare for aerial strikes against ISIS. No news of ground troops. So the assumption we can make is that is that Saudi Arabia/Turkey will allow rebel defeat in Aleppo and try to make it up for it by sending specific rebel factions on an offensive to takeover ISIS controlled territory. They are assuming this work as the anti-ISIS coalition is operating in those skies and Russia will not likely challenge their aerial superiority/presence there.

So it will become situation similar to Iraq. A prolonged anti-IS offensive to give cover for rebels basically and in hopes of allowing rebels to take eastern part of country. If Russia challenges it however, it won't end up that way.


Apr 12, 2015
677 14 0
Turkish army begin shelling in Azaz crossing area near northern Syria border:

HUGE! #BreakingNews Eyewitnesses: #Turkey army opens heavy artillery fire on #YPG #SDF militants in surroundings of #Azaz #Syria


Russian warship en route Syria:

Rami ‏@RamiAlLolah 44m44 minutes ago
#Russia|n warship Yamal 156 is en route to #Tartus #Syria




PYD confirmed on twitter.

@Scorpion @Falcon29 @WebMaster @Legend

What do you guys think will happen next ?
Saudi Arabia sent many F15s to Incirlik.