Shiaism has ton of Influence from Paganism , I have seen throughout my life in Majalis and rallies they bring out in Ashura , making alam , baby carts , fake graves , and horse ( Zuljinnah ) than kiss and pretend its something very holy or worthy , Islam does not permit such acts they are borderline Shirk . As for Status of Ali , Fatima , Hussain RA to all , I respect them all from the deepest of my heart , no doubt they are extra-ordinary individuals and relation to prophet enhance their personality and Character, but their piousness and kindness reflect from their lives, but they are not other than just mere humans, they are not Prophets , not Messengers or divine . Ali RA was a son in law and cousin of Prophet that does not give him any right to rule after Prophets departure, there is no direct and clear Hadith where Prophet chose him as successor after him, Shia people Muhammad Pbuh misses this very important thing ? no he did not ..
my problems is not just with Shia but almost every sect of Islam, ISlam is unify and anyone who represents a certain sect we will never meet eye to eye . Shia people abuse Umar , Uthman RA both because they were give leadership of Muslims before Ali RA, its Funny how Shia people say Ali RA was forced to take bait'h from Umar and Uthman RA but than they say Ali RA was lion of Allah and did not fear anyone except Allah ? how can you force Ali RA into doing anything ? the same man who openly challenge kuffar in duel all his life ?
Shiaism's another problem is they Put Ali , Fatima and Hussain RA to all over even Prophet Muhammad pbuh which is wrong, no matter how high they become but can not be equal to Muhammad pbuh , he is the messenger of Allah who was given the revelation of Quran , none of them claim that ..and What about Hasan RA ? have you notice how Shia people rarely glorify Hasan RA ? they mention Hussain in their slogans like , Ya Hussain but what about Hasan RA ? was he a step grandson ? why he was not as mentioned as Hussain RA ? they think Hussain RA will like them to ignore the sacrifice of his brother ?
In After life, all these people who divide Islam along sectarian lines will be ignored by the people whom they worship all their lives, Worship belongs to only Allah, and Muhammad pbuh as our messenger deserves our praise over anyone including all Rashidun Caliphs , their children etc PERIOD .