I call racial profiling! I think they should use zombie targets. It would be much more realistic.
I call racial profiling! I think they should use zombie targets. It would be much more realistic.
Double that.
Here is another interesting video.
This is profiling! Can't they just practice on circles like everyone else does? In case they can't find one I have one attached
View attachment 442
It even has numbers on it so you can keep score!
Islamophobia is ingrained in the American culture as much as the black/white issue is at this point. Unless we really as a people take the initiative to address it, it's going to stay.Love it! It's no wonder Islamophobia is taking over, when this is how the enemy is depicted.
I agree. We need to hold the media accountable for the messages they portray to us and future generations. However, who controls the media? Is it the people or someone else?Absolutely, after all, there are bad apples to be found in every walk of life. Adolf Hitler was a Christian, believe it or not, but we don't take the opinion that all Christians are genocidal dictators. Maybe change needs to start with the media?
As someone from India, its quite disturbing to see how the western people portray Islam religion in general. Some of my friends in Italy would relate Islam to a 'terrorist' religion. I don't know what do they show/teach there, but something is not right here.
I think it is a combination of a lack of education of Islam and the media. Additionally, the whole world seems to be in a state at the moment. I think people are looking for someone to blame and Islam seems to be the scapegoat. Nobody realises just what a peaceful religion this is and they won't entertain the thought that terrorist acts are carried out by a small minority. It's like saying all Christians behave like the Westboro Baptist Church.
Looks faked to me, but I agree with their message.Double that.
Here is another interesting video.