There is nothing there, in or out of context, that could be taken as racists. Well, unless YOU consider being called rich, white, or male an insult. Which one is it? Or is it all 3 that you consider an insult? I did, however, imply that Trump is a racist and sexist. because he is. Do you want me to find examples, in context, so that you can read about the things he said.
yes. But not all of them. Just the Mexicans. Because he's racist.
The ignorance and inequality comes from Trump insinuations. Have you noticed he hasn't said anything about Canadians? Being of Latino descent does not make them inferior. Maybe if reality jumped up and bit him in the ass, he would realize that we are all equal.
I'd rather have 100 mexican criminals than one bigot, racist, sexist, superficial piece of shit in a position to have any kind of control over our country.