U.S. Army is really strongly pushing forward opening up the Army to women. On January, 1, 2016, all U.S Army frontline combat units, including special operation forces should be open to women. There may be exemptions and waivers that services may ask, but outside of these waivers, all these units should be open.
But one problem is found by the Major General Jeffrey Snow, in a memo written to the Army personnel officer. Women are 23% better at recruiting women than men, and for that reason, want 1% more of women recruiters each year until 2018 for that reason. For information, 9% of Army's recruiters are women, meanwhile womens are 15% of the ~500,000 U.S. Army soldiers.
But one problem is found by the Major General Jeffrey Snow, in a memo written to the Army personnel officer. Women are 23% better at recruiting women than men, and for that reason, want 1% more of women recruiters each year until 2018 for that reason. For information, 9% of Army's recruiters are women, meanwhile womens are 15% of the ~500,000 U.S. Army soldiers.