most Chicagoans love to deny how corrupt their city truly is, because they are tired of hearing all the bad that goes on in the city, Chicago is a very beautiful city, but its corruption is killing its fame. however, some Lightfoot is somewhat progressing on fighting corruption now.I know Chicago had corruption, just did not how bad it really was until now, it just amazes me. at least I learned something![]()
*Chicago Police Dept. has had a major corruption history, probably one of the worst corrupt depts. in the country. earlier this year, people were wanting the local court, PD to drop charges against 88 people, because a unit led by a Sargeant that was falsely planting drugs in people's cars who lived in the CHA (Chicago Housing Authority's) housing projects. Chicago also has COPA (Civilian Office of Police Accountability), which takes all complaints against CPD officers and investigates them. after this unit (that falsely charged 88 people), Chicago also just announced the Civilian Oversight which will oversee the Chicago PD, COPA and Police Board.
88 people say they were framed by corrupt former Chicago cop

CPD civilian oversight plan passes Chicago City Council, 36-13
The Chicago City Council passed an ordinance to create more civilian CPD oversight.
*Lightfoot also pushed an oversight on Aldermen, and will also tackle aldermen on zoning laws, it includes
-no outside employment, because it can lead to scandals
-more oversight by the Office of Inspector General which can investigate all city employees and audit programs
-violation fines increase: a low violation breach will cost $1,000 while a serious violation breach will cost $3,000
-no lobbying

Lightfoot pushes new oversight on aldermen, and will tackle zoning reform next
The mayor will restrict aldermanic money-making too.

Aldermen propose lobbying ban for City Council
Aviation Committee Chairman Matt O’Shea and Ethics Chairman Michele Smith are trying to stay one step ahead of the lobbying scandal swirling around ComEd and video gaming interests pushing to legalize sweepstakes machines.
*Lightfoot also is considering term limits for mayors, aldermen currently (been going on for at least a year now), in modern history, Daley served mayor for 22 years, she wants it to be 2 4-year terms (8 in total)

Richard M. Daley’s 22 years as mayor
April 4, 1989: Elected mayor over Timothy Evans with 55.4 percent of the vote. April 24, 1989: Inaugurated as Chicago’s 45th mayor, Daley pledges in his inaugural address to justify voters…

Lightfoot Talks Term Limits, Criminal Justice at IOP
Mayoral candidate Lori Lightfoot, J.D. ’89, discussed her policy platform at the IOP on Tuesday.

while I'm not saying that Lightfoot is the best mayor for Chicago, she has tried to make an influence on combating corruption, which is finally a great thing to see in the city.