Houston has moved away from the oil and gas sector for quite sometime, even though it's still a major hub for that industry, however they have biomedical industries, Aerospace, a huge medical district (30 of 85 Hospitals) are located here, then you have your typical foodies, which Houston is quickly to surpass San Francisco soon and they are trying to form a "silicon bayou" (a smaller equivalency that of Silicon Valley). tbh though Houston itself needs to upgrade/expand more into tourism, make sight-seeing places across the area instead of just newer parks and renovations on Museums, in fact Houston relies on some tourists from Galveston to bring in "tourist money". but the city does still indeed rely quite a bit on the oil industry, so when the oil industry hits low the community will feel it's effects almost immediately.what are some things that Houston has done to even remotely tried to move away from the oil industry if so? which city between Houston & Chicago have a better transportation?
Chicago has the better Transit system setup, with the City Taxi service, Buses, Water Taxis and L-Train taking you all across Chicagoland. The CTA is always constantly making sure the Trains, Taxis and Buses are in fair service, and also renovating or building new station.
Houston on the other hand is very well known to have horrible transit authority, operating very few buses and trams and the most major thing they done was upgrade 2 bus routes. It's said that Houston will now start focusing on a new major upgrade for the Houston-Metro Transit, building a tram service to go to and from Katy and add newer buses, however this will most likely take a year or 2 to completely finish before all said and done.