Aree Wongwanlee
I have just thought of something that might put a brake on the Daesh. They have a lot of weapons, right? Where did they get all these weapons? Most of the weapons they have, are captured from the places they over-ran. So, if the US and its allies keep on sending more weapons to the region, there is every chance that these weapons will end up in the hands of Daesh.
So stop sending weapons? Yes, stop sending conventional weapons. Then what are we going to use to fight the Daesh? We will fight them with drones. Both flying drones and drones that move on land. Drones can kill, there is no doubt about it. However, a captured drone cannot be easily used by its captors, unlike conventional weapons. A drone can only be controlled from its console. Plus a drone can be programmed to self-destruct effectively turning them into suicide bombers as a last resort.
So stop sending weapons? Yes, stop sending conventional weapons. Then what are we going to use to fight the Daesh? We will fight them with drones. Both flying drones and drones that move on land. Drones can kill, there is no doubt about it. However, a captured drone cannot be easily used by its captors, unlike conventional weapons. A drone can only be controlled from its console. Plus a drone can be programmed to self-destruct effectively turning them into suicide bombers as a last resort.