Aree Wongwanlee
Supposing they no longer believe that the west is oppressing them, would they still have a motive to bear arms against the west?
What do you think? What exactly do the terrorists want?
What is a terrorist? Who is a terrorist? Is it people that for that specific period of time we're told are terrorists by the media? Who is being terrorized? You? Me? I have never been terrorized or terrorized anyone so i like to avoid a knee jerk reaction to the label.The answer is not really that obvious. On the face, we may know the answer. The terrorists want to fight against the west which they think the west is their enemy. And they are supported by people who think the same. However, what do the terrorists really want?
Supposing they no longer believe that the west is oppressing them, would they still have a motive to bear arms against the west?
What do you think? What exactly do the terrorists want?
If you only had the 2 options kill others or your family be killed what option would you choose? Its only the extremists that kill by choice.
Well I guess by killing yourself you won't have to live through the deaths of your family. Unfortunately, that option would be yours to choose.I'd kill myself rather than killing innocents.
Terrorists have found room to breath that is why they are wandering across the world. What they want is a political power because they are convinced that they are more capable to handle leadership in the places they exist.
Considering the fact that the only nations actually TRULY affected by terrorists on a daily basis are not western nations, the thought of them fighting against west is a little absurd. Whatever they chant, at the end of the day the majority of people they have killed are ones that belong to their own religion/area. They've been bombing mosques including sunni mosques which these supposed west-hating terrorists belong to. I'm not sure what is it that they want, but it sure isn't a west-hating group.
Whatever they chant, at the end of the day the majority of people they have killed are ones that belong to their own religion/area