Nope. Not buying your commentary at all. The muslim brotherhood was all excited about the nazi party because they both had the same goal of "killing the Jews wherever you may find them". It's common knowledge that Israel has the TINIEST sliver of land in the middle east and just about every other country over there would like to see them gone. If islam was truly a "religion of peace" then these nations would give up the fight over this ridiculously small piece of land, leave Israel alone and let them live in peace. That land belonged to the Jews and Christians LONG before mohammed was even born. It's not true that mohammed was in a defensive mode nor is it true later on during the Crusades. Again, much middle eastern land had been taken FROM the Jews and Christians by moslem conquest and Christians trying to make pilgrimages to the Holy Land from Rome and surrounding areas were getting captured and killed by moslems for hundreds of years. It boiled down to either kill or be killed and the Pope at the time, decided to stand ground.
What is really at the core is: What did Jesus Christ teach? Did he ever advocate killing anyone? No, only Himself as a sacrifice for my sins and your sins. He said to love your enemies and pray for them. Mohammed killed and advocated killing others. Did Jesus Christ ever own slaves? No. Mohammed did and slavery is still alive and well in the world of islam in the year 2015. Did Jesus ever steal anything or advocate stealing from others? No. Mohammed took from others and encouraged others to do the like. What did Jesus Christ say about women? He said that a man should love his wife as his own body. He also said that a man should have one wife only. Mohammed had SEVERAL wives, had sex slaves and Aisha was SIX years old when he married her and he had sex with her when she was nine. Little girls do not go through puberty when they are nine years old. Especially back in history due to lack of poor nutrition. In islam, women are not even as important as donkeys or camels. I have seen ghastly photos of women who have had acid poured on their faces, had their noses and ears cut off, stoned to death, covered from head to toe in a bag and women in Saudi Arabia are not even allowed to drive because "it might hurt their ovaries". I hope the SA leaders don't decide that women should not sit at all because somehow that's considered "too sexy" and then women will either have to stand or lay down for the rest of their lives.
What difference does it make where taqiyya comes from? The fact is that Jesus Christ never lied and never advocated that His followers ever lie. Anybody would ascribes to an ideology or a system of laws that says lying is Ok when it furthers "the cause" is someone who is not trustworthy. Period. If you want people to believe in your words, then don't ascribe to ideologies that says lying is Ok. It's not.
I would strongly recommend you read the New Testament and find out for yourself the kind of man that Jesus Christ was. Go to the source yourself. It makes no sense that islam would even give a nod to Moses and Jesus and say they are prophets. Jesus especially is NOTHING like mohammed. There is NO WAY these two men could ever "be on the same team". Ever. So someone is telling the truth and someone is lying. And we know that Jesus does not lie and mohammed did.
I think we are a lot closer to the Last Days than many realize. It is of the utmost importance for your eternal life that you know everything you need to know so you can make the proper decisions. I believe that satan is behind islam as it is just like him to take what is God's in this world, deceitfully twist it around and try to make it his. I hope we both arrive safely in Heaven someday.![]()
You twisted history and you don't know how differentiate b/t Islam the message and Muslim politically motivated figures like the MB. You also jumped to Saudi Arabia social issues like women driving and linked that to Islam although the Saudi religious establishment has issued many statements saying ban on women driving is not mandated by any Islam. There are around 70 muslim countries where women drive freely without any issue. So calming is part of Islam is not correct.
Muslim societies have issues just like any other society in the world but your problem is that anything happens in an muslim country you link that automatically to Islam. But if you examine closely to the crime rate in the muslim countries to that of the west you find that crime rate in Muslim countries are very low compare to the later.
You need to back your claim with substantial proof that the Prophet Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him lied? Lied about what? He didn't and I dare you to bring me one piece of evidence to such an accusation. Also you don't need to tell me about Jesus Peace Be Upon Him. We know him very well we love him er respect him and we revere him. And no he didn't die for anyone's sin. He was raised alive to the Almighty God and he we will be back again here on earth to judge you '' Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name'' Matthew 7:22. What will he say to you in return? You don't know but let me tell you. Here '' And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.'' Matthew 7:23.
Don't tell me I don't know the bible I have read and Im knowledgeable that you in it.
Satan is behind Islam? Are you serious. Jesus him self was a Muslim. Islam means submission your well to God so anyone who submit his well to God is A muslim. Jesus never claimed to be a christian. In the Quran we have a chapter called Marry where in the bible you don't. Jesus says '' But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come ."He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. Did Jesus go? Yes he did so who is the advocate/Comforter? The one who glorified Jesus and spoke of him is Mohammed. You have no right to translate the name of people again if you are going to argue about the spirt of the truth because in the Hebrew scriptures the name Muhammad is there and you guys changed it to the praiseworthy just like you did to Jacob, Jesus, Jonah, Christ.
So yes jesus says don't have pork, christians have pork Muslim don't. Jesus says you should not have alcohol, christians do Muslims don't. Don gamble, christians do Muslims don't. Oh I forgot to add that in the bible it says women are not allowed to open their mouths in the church. Also it says a woman who doesn't cover her hair then shave it off.
I will be back later form more to add on top of that. I just schooled you kid. See you in heaven hopefully.
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