Iran's domestic advanced jet trainer "Yasin"
After almost a decade, today Iran's two seat subsonic trainer jet dubbed Yasin officially was unveiled and became operational.
(Prevously this project was introduced as Kowsar-88)
Yasin has a rotating tail which allows the pilot to easily exit from rotating stall.
It uses two owj turbojet engine without afterburner which gives it 7000 pounds of thrust.
Minimum runway for landing: 800m
Flight ceiling: 12km
Body length: 12m
Body height: 4m
Wing surface: 24 m^2
Normal Take off weight (without payload): 5.5t
Ferry range: 1500km
Endurance: 90m
Minimum speed: 200km/h
Maximum speed: close to mach 1
آپارات - مراحل ساخت و پرواز جت آموزشی یاسین
More info:
گزارش ویژه تسنیم|گام بلند ایران برای آموزش بهتر خلبانان ارتش با هواپیمای ایرانی/ جت ایرانی «یاسین» را بهتر بشناسید+فیلم و مشخصات
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