Trump Campaign Responds to Hillary Linking Him to South Carolina Shooting: &[HASHTAG]#039[/HASHTAG];She Must be Nervous&[HASHTAG]#039[/HASHTAG]; - Breitbart
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump says he thinks Hillary Clinton lost all credibility when she blamed him for the massacre at a church in South Carolina.
The 2016 Democratic presidential frontrunner hinted that the shooting at a church in Charleston, South Carolina is in some way connected to Donald Trump’s recent presidential announcement. Clinton told an interviewer:
Public discourse is sometimes hotter and more negative than it should be, which can, in my opinion, trigger someone who is less than stable. I think we have to speak out against it. Like, for example, a recent entry into the Republican presidential campaign said some very inflammatory things about Mexicans. Everybody should stand up and say that’s not acceptable.
Clinton was referring to Trump’s announcement speech, when he commented about the illegal aliens coming across the southern border from Mexico.
“They’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,” Trump said in his announcement speech.
A spokesperson said Trump sends his prayers and condolences to South Carolina residents.
Following the violent incident, Trump canceled a sold out campaign event in South Carolina out of respect for the grieving.
“At this time of national sorrow, a responsible leader should be focused on uniting and healing the country,” the spokesman said, adding:
Mr. Trump believes that Hillary Clinton does not have any credibility when she blames words for violence. This is the same politician who lied to the world after she failed to take proper steps to secure the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi and falsely blamed the radical Islamic attack on a YouTube video. This is the same person who illegally deleted her emails after getting a subpoena from the U.S. Congress.
Also, it is “totally inappropriate” for Clinton to use this tragedy as a way to attack a political opponent, the spokesman says.
“She must be nervous about something,” he added, hinting Clinton must feel threatened by Trump’s recent media popularity following his formal White House bid.
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump says he thinks Hillary Clinton lost all credibility when she blamed him for the massacre at a church in South Carolina.
The 2016 Democratic presidential frontrunner hinted that the shooting at a church in Charleston, South Carolina is in some way connected to Donald Trump’s recent presidential announcement. Clinton told an interviewer:
Public discourse is sometimes hotter and more negative than it should be, which can, in my opinion, trigger someone who is less than stable. I think we have to speak out against it. Like, for example, a recent entry into the Republican presidential campaign said some very inflammatory things about Mexicans. Everybody should stand up and say that’s not acceptable.
Clinton was referring to Trump’s announcement speech, when he commented about the illegal aliens coming across the southern border from Mexico.
“They’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,” Trump said in his announcement speech.
A spokesperson said Trump sends his prayers and condolences to South Carolina residents.
Following the violent incident, Trump canceled a sold out campaign event in South Carolina out of respect for the grieving.
“At this time of national sorrow, a responsible leader should be focused on uniting and healing the country,” the spokesman said, adding:
Mr. Trump believes that Hillary Clinton does not have any credibility when she blames words for violence. This is the same politician who lied to the world after she failed to take proper steps to secure the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi and falsely blamed the radical Islamic attack on a YouTube video. This is the same person who illegally deleted her emails after getting a subpoena from the U.S. Congress.
Also, it is “totally inappropriate” for Clinton to use this tragedy as a way to attack a political opponent, the spokesman says.
“She must be nervous about something,” he added, hinting Clinton must feel threatened by Trump’s recent media popularity following his formal White House bid.