Iran Missiles | Page 3 | World Defense

Iran Missiles

Persian Gulf

May 22, 2019
104 1 0
United Kingdom
Khorramshahr-1/2 MRBM:

The Khorramshahr is Iran's most advanced ballistic missile. It is liquid fuelled and based on the North Korean Hwasong-10 (which is itself based on the Soviet R-27). It has a diameter of 1.5m, length of 13m and weighs 20,000kg (20 tonnes).

The Khorramshahr was first unveiled in January 2017. It was tested twice - in July 2016 and July 2017 (one test failed and one was a success). The Khorramshahr has a warhead of 1800kg and range of 2000km. It was reported that the Khorramshahr could carry multiple (3) warheads, but it's not clear that MIRV technology has been mastered. It is clear that the warhead is terminally-guided, however.

The Khorramshahr is a huge step forward for Iran's BM because it uses new fuel (UDMH - based on the R-27 as mentioned above), new (vernier) engines and it is Iran's largest BM by diameter (the previous largest BM had a 1.25m diameter). This suggests a transition from Scud variants (such as the Shahab-3) to a line of missiles derived from the far more potent Soviet R-27.

This can be seen when we compare the Khorramshahr to the Shahab-3 and its improved variants (Ghadr and Emad):
--> Shahab-3: 1200km range with 1000kg warhead (2000m CEP)
--> Ghadr: 1800km range with 800kg warhead (300m CEP)
--> Emad: 1800km range with 750kg warhead (30m CEP)
--> Khorramshahr: 2000km range with 1800kg warhead (250m CEP)
--> Khorramshahr-2: 2000km range with 1500kg warhead (claimed <30m CEP)

As you can see, the Khorramshahr represents a huge advance for Iran's BM arsenal. Indeed, the 1800kg warhead seems to be a political move to keep the Khorramshahr within the artificial 2000km self-imposed range limit (with a 750kg warhead the Khorramshahr is likely to have a range of 3500-4000km).

The Khorramshahr-2, a new and improved variant, was test fired in December 2018 (successfully). The Khorramshahr-2 has an Emad-style guided warhead and, consequently, a smaller warhead of 1500kg (still at the 2000km range). Video footage of the successful test of the Khorramshahr-2 was released in February 2019 (posted below).

Looking forward, the Khorramshahr represents a shift from SCUD-based missiles to R-27-based missiles due to the new engines and fuel mastered on the Khorramshahr. These new engines could be used on Iran's future SLVs to carry much heavier satellites into orbit. The next stage for Iran's MRBMs, in my opinion, will be to develop MIRV technology. For Iran's BMs in general, the Emad guided warhead is likely to be retrospectively fitted onto Shahab-3 generation of BMs (this has already been seen in the Qiam-2 SRBM) and the new engine/fuel technology could be used to build smaller, more powerful and more tactical BMs across the board.

Khorramshahr-1 and Khorramshahr-2:



Footage of successful Khorramshahr-2 launch (December 2018):

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Nov 27, 2014
3,197 56 0
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Sadly many images have disappeared from this thread. (:&

Persian Gulf

May 22, 2019
104 1 0
United Kingdom
Iran Missiles Force.

|A|Ashoura (missile) |B| BM25 Musudan |F| Fajr 7- Fajr-3 (missile)- Fateh-110 |G| Ghadr-110 |N| Naze'at |P| Persian Gulf (missile) Project Koussar |Q| Qiam 1 |S|Safir (rocket)-Sejjil-Shahab-1Shahab-2 Shahab-3 - Shahab-4 - Shahab-5 - Shahab-6 |Z| Zelzal-1 - Zelzal-2 - Zelzal-3.
Perhaps you can amend this post please because Iran's naming of missiles is notoriously stupid and complicated so Wikipedia has made some mistakes! (I also see this post was made 5 years ago, so naturally some categories have been clarified and there is a lot to update)

Main points:
- No one really knows about the Ashoura, but it appears to be a fully solid-fuel variant of the Ghadr-110.
- The BM-25 Musudan is more commonly known as the Hwasong-10 (North Korea) and exists in Iran only as the Khorramshahr (there were rumours in the media that Iran had acquired some Musudan missiles many years ago, but these were never shown and only in 2017 was Iran's improved version of the Musudan revealed - the Khorramshahr, so I think it is best just to use that name)
- Shahab 4/5/6 don't exist - they are just (Western) media speculations that never came to fruition (there are some variants of the Shahab-3 like 3A/3B/3C/3D, these are incremental upgrades though).
- Safir/Simorgh are SLVs not missiles, so they don't really belong in the same category.
- I wouldn't put Zelzal in this category of missiles either, instead I would put Fateh 110, Fateh 313 (and Fateh Mobin seeker version), Zolfaqar (and anti-ship version), Qiam-1/2, Dezful (I think I will make a post about the new Dezful missile later)
- Sejjil-1/2 is also important
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Persian Gulf

May 22, 2019
104 1 0
United Kingdom
Dezful MRBM (Fateh-class SSM):

The Dezful MRBM is the latest generation of the solid-fuel, single-stage Fateh class of SRBMs (though with the Dezful the Fateh class has now expanded into MRBM). Fateh-class is quasi-ballistic, meaning that it doesn't follow a ballistic trajectory or leave the atmosphere, posing different challenges to ABM systems (especially if Zolfaqar/Dezful missiles are launched with Qiam BMs for example, this would be a nightmare for the target force to defend against (not to even mention Soumar/Hoveizeh cruise missiles)).

The Fateh class was created to replace the unguided Zelzal class of rockets developed in the '90s. The first generation of the single-stage solid-fuel Fateh class of SSM was unveiled in 2002 with a range of 200km and 500kg warhead.

The second generation was released in 2004 with an upgraded range of 250km. The third and fourth generations, unveiled in 2010 and and 2012, increased the range to 300km (with the same 500kg warhead) and focused on improving accuracy.

The next significant upgrade came in 2015 with the Fateh-313, with an improved range of 500km.

Then in 2016 the Zolfaqar was unveiled with a range of 700km. The Zolfaqar is 1m longer than the Fateh-110 (10m vs 9m) and has a 500kg submunition warhead. The Zolfaqar was used in July 2017 to strike an IS base in Syria 600km from Iran using 6 Zolfaqar missiles.

In August 2018 the Fateh-Mobin was unveiled, with an upgraded EO seeker claiming a CEP <10m. Later statements by Iranian military officials stated that the Mobin seeker would be fitted on the Zolfaqar and other Fateh-class missiles to substantially improve their accuracy.

Finally, the latest and most advanced iteration of the Fateh class was revealed in February 2019: the Dezful missile. First rumoured in 2017, the Dezful is an upgrade to the Zolfaqar missile with a 1000km range and 2x the destructive power (with the same 500kg warhead). The Dezful is slightly larger and heavier than the Zolfaqar and uses a 4 wheel TEL (instead of the 3-wheeled TEL for the Zolfaqar). Iranian officials didn't explain how the Dezful achieves 2x the destructive power of the Zolfaqar's warhead, but hinted at new explosive materials/methods (such as being thermobaric). The Dezful was revealed in a video showing an underground missile 'city' at an undisclosed location.

[Anti-ship versions of the Fateh-class BMs have also been developed, such as Persian Gulf ASBM, Hormoz-1/2 anti-radiation/ship BM, Zolfaqar ASBM variant - these compliment Iran's range of anti-ship cruise missiles and torpedos.]

Photos and video of Dezful unveiling and test (and the underground missile city):



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Persian Gulf

May 22, 2019
104 1 0
United Kingdom
Retrospectively fitting Emad-style guided warhead on existing stockpiles on IRBM/MRBMs:

For Iran's BMs in general, the Emad guided warhead is likely to be retrospectively fitted onto Shahab-3 generation of BMs (this has already been seen in the Qiam-2 SRBM)
Building on this, I will make a separate post about Qiam and its evolution tomorrow, but I found some good quality footage of this happening already. The implications of this are quite significant - it means Iran can retrospectively fit its stockpile of older generation BMs (such as Gadr, Qiam, Shahab-2/3 etc) with the guided Emad warhead (as seen on the Khorramshahr-2), bringing the CEP of thousands of MRBMs from >1000m to <50m CEP.

Firstly, on the Ghadr MRBM:


Secondly, on the 2nd generation Qiam (Qiam-2 - which was used against Daesh targets in Syria in October 2018):





Staff member
Nov 17, 2017
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IRGC Fortifies Tehran With Surface-to-Air Missiles
Sunday, 2 June, 2019

Iranian Shahab 2 missile bearing crest of IRGC 370. REUTERS/Morteza Nikoubazl)

London - Asharq Al-Awsat

Tehran's Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Mohammad Reza Yazdi uncovered on Saturday that Iran would deploy on Monday its HAWK anti-aircraft defense system to protect its airspace from any potential attacks during a ceremony on June 4 in the Iranian capital to mourn the father of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini.

“The security agencies will deploy surface-to-air missiles, and anti-aircraft defense system HAWK missiles near the Khomeini tomb to counter threats including drones. We will be ready to deal with any possible security threats,” said Yazdi.

The IRGC commander denied that security forces had found any evidence showing the presence of real threats. He stated that there were no reports of any activity of small flying objects, but added, "We are planning to show our capability."

Yazdi warned that "those who might be planning to disrupt order and security in this year's gathering on June 13 - 15 should not to waste their time, as security forces will confront them seriously."

Iranians will descend on Khomeini’s Mausoleum in southern Tehran to remember the leader of the 1970 Islamic Revolution, Khomeini, who died on June 3, 1989. Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei is expected to speak at the event.

Two years ago, ISIS members launched raids on the Khomeini Mausoleum and the Iranian parliament, killing 17 and wounding more than 50.

Lately, tensions have risen between Tehran and Washington after the latter sent additional military forces to the Middle East against Iranian threats to US troops and interests in the region.

Last Thursday, Acting US Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan confirmed that the Pentagon was considering sending additional US troops to the Middle East as one of the ways to bolster protection for American forces there.

On Saturday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani suggested Iran might be willing to hold talks if the US showed respect, but said Tehran would not be pressured into negotiations.

Fars news agency quoted Rouhani as saying: “We are for logic and talks if (the other side) sits respectfully at the negotiating table and follows international regulations, not if it issues an order to negotiate.”

Rouhani said that the “same enemy which declared its aim last year to destroy the Islamic Republic of Iran today explicitly states that it does not want to do anything to (our) system.”

The President concluded, “If we remain hopeful in the war with America, we will win.”


Persian Gulf

May 22, 2019
104 1 0
United Kingdom
I just found a video posted by Babak Taghvaee of a September 2018 video showing a test launch of an upgraded Sejjil-2 MRBM with a precision-guided warhead. I can't find the video anywhere else (plus it's Babak...) so take it with a pinch of salt, but the footage looks legit and new to me.

Stated to have 2500km range and 50m CEP accuracy.


Persian Gulf

May 22, 2019
104 1 0
United Kingdom
Does Iran produce any guided missiles?
What do you mean? They are virtually all precision guided in the past 5 years, especially Fateh class and post-Emad for others. Emad MRBM was first precision guided warhead (cep <50m), that warhead tech has since been retro fitted to other BMs such as Qiam/Ghadr (as I wrote about and showed footage above) and Khorramshahr and Sejjil-2


Staff member
Nov 17, 2017
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Iran Unveils Two New Air Defense Systems at Army Day

20 April 2021

The Iranian Army on Sunday unveiled two newly-developed indigenized air defense systems, namely Zolfaqar and Majid with the capability to destroy cruise missiles.

Unveiled on the occasion of the Army Day, the new defense systems have been installed on the home-made tactical vehicle Aras, Fars News Agency (FNA) reported.

Zolfiqar is a low-altitude air defense system which consists of a mechanized shoulder-launched multi-launcher and Shahid Majid system includes an electro-optical fire control system and a dual-launcher. Both air defense systems are capable of destroying enemy targets flying in low altitudes, especially cruise missiles.

The Army Day parades were held in the form of motorcade in Tehran in the presence of Iranian Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi.

The slogan of this year’s parade is “Defenders of the Homeland, Companion of the Healthcare” and according to the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus, the parade is in the form of a motorcade and army barracks across the country.

April 18th is named “Army Day” in Iran, and the parade is held to display part of the country’s military power.

On Saturday, Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces and Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underlined the Army’s preparedness for different missions, calling on officials to further increase military power.

In a message to Iranian Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi on Saturday on the occasion of the Army Day in Iran (April 18), Ayatollah Khamenei lauded all Army personnel and their family members.

On Friday, Chief-of-Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said that the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) guarantee security and calm in the country, adding that the two forces are ready to give a decisive response to any threat.
“April 18 is the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Day, so, I congratulate Commanders and soldiers of the Army and their families,” the statement read.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
In the DPRK, the military received 30 sets of giant MLRS with a caliber of 600mm, which can also be used to launch tactical nuclear missiles. There are no technical details of the settings. It is known that MLRS data missiles have a high ability to bend around the terrain, as well as maneuverability and high speed. On January 1, 2023, the North Korean military performed a training launch from a single installation. The projectile covered 350 kilometers with a maximum flight altitude of 100 kilometers and hit a given area of the Sea of Japan east of the Korean Peninsula. In the DPRK, there are two more variants of the 600mm MLRS on an 8 = 8 wheeled chassis.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
In the capital of the DPRK, Pyongyang, on February 8, a night military parade was held in honor of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army. The parade, along with his wife and daughter, was hosted by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The parade is not particularly different from all past parades, except that a record number of military personnel took part in it and an unknown new DPRK tank was again shown. This tank has been noticed at parades for more than a year, but so far nothing is known about it. The tank does not even have a name, it is called differently, the M-2020 tank, the Storm tank. Visually, the M2020 tank is similar to the American M1 Abrams tank and the Russian T-14 Armata. The tank has enhanced armor in the lateral projection and on the sides. The gun of the tank is a 125-mm Russian 2A46 cannon, the tank has a machine gun coaxial with the gun and an AGS-30 grenade launcher. The tank has two Bulsae-3 ATGMs, it is believed that it was developed on the basis of the Russian Fagot and Kornet ATGMs. For the first time on the tanks of the DPRK, an active protection system for tanks was installed, it can be seen at the base of the tank turret, visually the complex resembles the Russian Afghanit system installed on the T-14 Armata tank, sensors of possible active protection systems are located in the front corners of the tower. Panoramic sights are located on the roof of the turret, it is possible that the tank has a thermal imager. It is not excluded that many systems are still props. It is assumed that the M2020 tank is equipped with an engine with a capacity of 1200 horsepower, the estimated mass of the tank is about 55 tons. There are suggestions that the tank was created using the technology of Russia and China.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
Iran has tested a new Paveh cruise missile with a claimed range of up to 1,650 km, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, Commander of the Air Force and Aerospace Forces of the IRGC, said. Nothing is known about the Paveh rocket, judging by the video, the rocket is launched from the launcher container with the help of a starting solid-propellant booster, after which the top-mounted jet engine is turned on at the rocket and the wings open. In recent years, Iran has expanded its missile program and is successfully developing it despite the objections of the United States and the concerns of European countries.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
The North Korean army for the first time showed footage of launches of strategic cruise missiles of the Hwasal-1 and Hwasal-2 types. The cruise missiles were equipped with a "test warhead simulating a nuclear warhead" and flew between 1,500 and 1,800 km. The launch of cruise missiles was a response to the US and South Korean military exercises Freedom Shield 23, which we talked about earlier. The North Korean exercise tested the reliability of control devices and detonators in a mid-air explosion and demonstrated yet another military strike capability. Two Hwasal-1 and Hwasal-2 strategic cruise missiles launched in South Hamgyong Province accurately hit a target in the Sea of Japan.



Mar 20, 2022
17 0 0
Former Soviet Union
North Korea has shown a nuclear underwater drone Haiel. The DPRK for the first time showed at the military parade, which was held in Pyongyang on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, the Haiel-1 nuclear submarine drone. Earlier it was reported that North Korea tested "Haiel-1", the device was underwater for more than 40 hours. At the parade, four underwater drones were transported on tractors. Underwater drones "Haiel-1" have a length of at least 10 meters and a diameter of about 1.5 meters, underwater drones are painted in orange and black colors, as prototypes of nuclear weapons are usually marked. Apparently the drone "Haiel-1" is an analogue of the Russian nuclear super torpedoes "Poseidon"
