Now, come on my dear Pak, crack the code!
If Pakistan wants to chip in well and good, otherwise they can watch the show from distance.
Now, come on my dear Pak, crack the code!
Just rent them the Shamsi airbase. Obviously secretly like in past.
Taftan. Gawadar. Quetta.
No. You missed something vital. Think again... crack the code!
Shouldn't it be Taftan Quetta Gawadar?
Pakistanis don't have it in them sir to stop that movement, it stirs "sectarian war and disturbs harmony" ........ in Pakistan
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are being surrounded and targeted by Americans and Iranians.
Both, US & Iran are playing the dirty hybrid war of terrorism and deception.
If you don't tell US to retaliate now, they will make sure Iran's missile and drone tech. get more sophisticated and they continue to smuggle that shit out of Iran, smoothly. While US can always go back and say ''didn't we seek your permission to retaliate''
Why do they need permission, against already declared terrorist army? They better ask people of Iran... and they know the answer will be swift Yes.
If you say yes, than they both will press propaganda, using all their resources.
In give circumstances, i think KSA better ask US, why they felt the need to talk to an ally state, about a strategic issue, over public media?
What bugs me is that the US missiles shield deployed to Kuwait was not able to the detect the drones and the missiles coming from Iraq/Iran. Its also our defense systems not being positioned to the north. Maybe Saudi Arabia can look for other system until the THAAD arrives or may be ask the UAE to station some of its air defense systems for the time being. Interesting to note that Iraqi PM has arrived to Jeddah and has met with the king few hours ago. This comes after Saudi Air forces airstrikes inside Iraq and Syria few days back.
Yes, there are many unaswered questions... it was not just any terrorist attack... it was an EconomicTerrorism with broader strategic agenda... not just some ragtag Houthis going super strategic!
Apart from missile defence /radars its critical that KSA focuses also more on HumanIntelligence as well.... perhaps more so now than ever before.
Hopefully, Pakistan and KSA collaborate in this regard.
Iran will be heavily in due course for sure. By the way, does Pakistan make its own air defense systems? if so what are they?
What bugs me is that the US missiles shield deployed to Kuwait was not able to the detect the drones and the missiles coming from Iraq/Iran. Its also our defense systems not being positioned to the north. Maybe Saudi Arabia can look for other system until the THAAD arrives or may be ask the UAE to station some of its air defense systems for the time being. Interesting to note that Iraqi PM has arrived to Jeddah and has met with the king few hours ago. This comes after Saudi Air forces airstrikes inside Iraq and Syria few days back.
Lets remove Patriot from the equation. What would be a better system?A lot has been made of the role of the American designed PATRIOT missile system during the attack, but it's rather disingenious at best, and outright misleading at worst. PATRIOT was oriented towards Yemen, where a likely attack was mostly probable to originate from and though the facilities where certainly within the range of both the PATRIOT system's radar and missile components, the system has a 120 degree cone of fire for most launchers. There are 360 degree launchers, but those Saudi Arabia has are not this type and have limited opportunity to engage targets outside of these cone of fire.
At the time of the attack the Abqaiq oil processing facility was defended by antiquated defences including 3 or 4 anti-aircraft sections each with 2 35mm Oerlikon GDF cannons and Skyguard fire control radars.
Backing them up was a few units of the Shahine SAM system, based on the French Crotale design.
both of these are point-defence and extremely ill suited to tackling low-flying cruise missiles or UAVs. They are so poor at their job that the attacking force didn't even concern itself with destroying the systems before or during the attack, simply relying on the low-level weakness of both defence systems and bypassing them altogether.
One PAC-2/3 launcher, not battery. but launcher was also present at the Buqayq facility, but it's orientation, according to satellite imagery before and shortly after the attack, points it towards Yemen, not Iran, where its overall effectiveness would be limited.
PATRIOT has since been moved closer and the US has deployed additional assets to the region to bolster Saudi defences, but both of these deployments have their own issues, such as pulling assets from other areas and creating weakpoints and gaps where they were previously located.
My two cents.