You are an atheist retard who thinks we(our country) are above God and carrying yourself with too much arrogance thinking we won't be punished for our actions. You have mentality that we should just keep killing everyone in the Middle East forever , for Israel. And you cheer and gloat over peoples deaths. You are no different than Iranians who had this mentality as well after the war in Syria or Yemen started turning in their favor. It's a human condition that develops when people disobey God, move away from and abandon his commandments.
For your type of guys there is no such thing as ethics or morals or abstaining from being oppressive. That goes to you Israeli's, Americcans, Iranians, Arabs, etc.... None of you have control over yourselves since you are not following the path God laid out for his creation. So of course I won't support any such dangerous and immoral people. I support establishment of an Islamic Caliphate in the whole Arab world led by moral and ethical people who recognize their Lord and want to obey him and make lasting peace and be just to one another.
And this is going to happen in your lifetime whether you like it or not. God decreed that to happen and God is the Great King and I'll always obey the Creator King and follow to my best ability everything he ordained for his creation.