Umm....wrong tree. I didn't say either of those.
First, you are taking sides between a raggedy bunch of rebels who have missiles and keep firing them off in all directions; if they land one in the wrong place, I wonder what the shape of the world will be. Even the Iranians will distance themselves from the scene of that crime, in less than a nano-second. As it is, I am amazed that they haven't tried to stop this very dangerous stu
Second, you have enough problems of your own. With an anti-Muslim administration on your east, and an anti-Pakistan administration on your west, with allies and supporters who, in the east, have gained you what some members - at least one on this forum - steadfastly refuse to acknowledge, a bad reputation in many parts of the world (ironic in view of
@Scorpion having said what he did about the good effects of having a friend who can speak for the country in circles that matter), and who, in the west, have earned you the active displeasure of the strongest military force in the world; with a failed economy that
Mastan Khan on another forum feels needs KSA to put up large sums of money so that the rest of the country can be safely ignored, and the conventional forces built up sufficiently for an amphibious landing on the Konkan coast - I mean, do I have to go on?
Third, you are actively buying Iranian displeasure, and driving them more forcefully into the ranks of those who don't like you very much. It could matter.
Fourth, you are ringing alarm bells in circles that have been cozying up to the same countries who are inviting you over. It now seems that all the fuss and feathers was carefully organised to soften this impact, and it will have a definite impact in those already less than friendly places, a bad impact, one that will deepen and intensify whatever ill feeling exists, and extend it to cover your friends as well.
Of course, it is no consolation to us that you are not intervening in the affairs of a non-Muslim country.
@Scorpion has spelt out the implications of that very, very clearly. From our point of view, the OIC huffing and puffing and threatening to blow our house down is one thing; an active military ally of the KSA is quite another. That carries with it a lot more, many of the Gulf states, Jordan, for sure; who else is not sure, but whoever it is, that is not good news for a Modi-governed India. At the same time, it is not incentive for throwing out Modi; instead, it will strengthen his position for India to discover that Muslim states are actively involved with Pakistan in a military alliance.