Wah sir, beautifully put.
Why is the term Indus Viper being used?
Is it being used for EDAs or is it being used for up gradation of some of our existing fleet?
Maybe "Josh e Khtabat"

Wah sir, beautifully put.
Why is the term Indus Viper being used?
Is it being used for EDAs or is it being used for up gradation of some of our existing fleet?
Wah sir, beautifully put.
Why is the term Indus Viper being used?
Is it being used for EDAs or is it being used for up gradation of some of our existing fleet?
No doubt about it sir.Only Allah is the Greatest & Knowledgeable
This is part and parcel of human soft wear from the beginning, even the Anbiya were denied.Audacity & Hypocrisy of few men.
He also rejected the claim of Zullus landing in Pakistan , He is a professional guy and has good relations with PAF , Wont disclose any news if PAF has prohibited him or even told him in first place
I would be ecstatic if we got an MRO and maybe capability to integrate our own weapons on it.Is he an official PAF spokesman? What in the world do you think can PAF / PAC can develop for F16, besides maybe CFT's?
I was about to post this same tweet. Sad indeed.
Bhai,Bholari is a mystery. I'm sure PAF, being the professionals they are, realize partnership with the US is about to end, so making a best attempt to get a hold of the aircraft that they love the most. That is most likely. Hope they succeed, even if it is EDA or politically managed somehow by Trump administration (like fighter transfer from Egypt or Jordan to Pakistan would need a Pompeo signature).
Indus Viper sounds like "Desert Viper". Could it also be a transfer of jets from the UAE? That would make them "block 70s" (70 not 72, as alluded to by @Khafee). The only reason this could happen is if the UAE is planning to get new vipers instead, or going for the Lightening II.
MRO probably but local assembly? Unless LM extend 12 billion line of credit to PAFOnly Allah is the Greatest & Knowledgeable, not a big word but just last year, these same days, guys were Mocking brother Khafee for breaking the news of just procuring Blk 70/72 & now they have the courage to propose a plan of some local production / re build facility for Vipers in Pakistan.
I am not denying or supporting any claims but pointing towards the Audacity & Hypocrisy of few men.