Ra'ad is heavier
SOM is lighter
Ra'ad is greater in size while SOM is smaller
Ra'ad can carry less weight (200 kg) of warhead while SOM can carry more (230 kg)
Ra'ad can't be integrated with F16 while SOM can be integrated on F16
JF17 can carry both SOM and Ra'ad depending on the mission type
SOM has semi armour Piercing Warhead while Ra'ad doesn't
SOM varients
- SOM-B1: Advanced air force variant that engages a military target in precision strike mode using imaging infrared matching at the terminal stage.
- SOM-B2: Special air force variant featuring a dual-stage penetrator warhead which is designed to engage strategic and well-protected assets in precision strike mode.
Remember---beauty is only skin deep---. Ra'ad is ours---we can do whatever we want to with it---no restriction---no sanctions---.
We only know about the capabilities of this alcm of what we are told---. Which means that some of its capabilities are not disclosed.
We still strive for the F16's even though they are not the best aircraft out there.