It is important to remember that China still has not been able to upgrade its road in disputed territory, and has built military infrastructure in its own territory to save face. India was able to occupy its territory for months and all China could do is issue warnings. That speaks for itself.
Here is a good analysis by the SCMP of how India is checking Chinese expansion in the SCS, South Asia, ASEAN, and other regions.
India challenging China’s South China Sea influence with regional outreach
India and Russia have agreed to launch a maritime route that would partly go through the hotly contested waters. They say they could ramp up their military and technological
You missed a few, such as discovering water on the moon's surface, becoming the first Asian country to send a satellite to Mars, setting a world record by launching the highest number of commercial satellites in a single launch, balancing diplomatic relations between opposing world powers, and lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and creating the world's largest middle class.
But you are right about the first one. India's film industry does generate billions of dollars of revenue.
Wait I am by no means trying to undermine Indian achievements, no matter how few nation of 1.4 billion has , but I don’t like bull shit.
You could count a few real achievement but I am sick of Indians saying total nonsense and make things up. Let me dissect your claims.
Discovering water on moon’s surface by Indians myth been around for a while. But actually NASA in 1972 discovered water . Infact Indian claim of discovery holds no merit as it was NASA instrument aboard Indian satellite that made the discovery.
Even Russians in 1974 proved water on moon.
Had Indian claimed that NASA instrument on board their satellite found the water , that would have been so much more real.
Please satellite to mars achievement again is what it’s worth. It was best described as a “camera in a tin box”. A laughable project but Again just getting to Mars orbit should have been a real achievement and reason to celebrate .
As for the largest number of commercial satellite launch by India there was only one medium size satellite and and the rest 100 or so were micro satellites of 10 kg or less . Was that an achievement sure but worth chest thumping absolutely no. No new technology was made just ejection racks for tiny satellites to be released.
As for lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty line again very dubious claim. It’s all the number game Indian government plays ...... with their growth figures and reduction in poverty etc. All fake numbers .
Yes India has the largest middle class but they have the most poor and most undernourished people on earth as well. Pakistan held the distinction of fastest growing middle class consumer market until recently.
Close to 8 percent of entire world’s extremely poor live in India. This is compared to roughly .5 percent in Pakistan.
“According to FAO estimates in ‘The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2019' report, 194.4 million people are undernourished in India. By this measure 14.5% of the population is undernourished in India. Also, 51.4% of women in reproductive age between 15 to 49 years are anaemic. Further according to the report 37.9% of the children aged under five in India are stunted (too short for their age), while 20.8% suffer from wasting, meaning their weight is too low for their height. Malnourished children have a higher risk of death from common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea, pneumonia, and malaria. The Global Hunger Index 2018 ranks India at 103 out of 119 countries on the basis of three leading indicators -- prevalence of wasting and stunting in children under 5 years, under 5 child mortality rate, and the proportion of undernourished in the population.”
Hunger in India | India FoodBanking Network

The list goes on and on and on but to Indians yes sure Movies are the most important aspect of their lives.
Also looks like Modi is in crisis.... this is from today:

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