Thanks for clarification.Pls visit the thread, this fake news is repeating itself every few months. The shrine was damaged, but graves are fine Alh.
I was in mid nineteen hundred for few days, without internet, without electricity.
Thanks for clarification.Pls visit the thread, this fake news is repeating itself every few months. The shrine was damaged, but graves are fine Alh.
Nice effort bro. You are really exposing them.
They are the real, hidden danger to all Muslim countries. A poison from inside.
How do people end up like this? God created world and said he created you to see who is better in deeds among you and to worship him. For this kind of people God has zero importance, no need to reflect on him, just focus on discrediting Sunni Muslims 24/7 and claiming Persia are holy chosen people that follow the truth and everyone must submit to them to be real Muslim. I even seem some bizarre thing about Persian king being informed of Qadissiyah battle results, and he said(according to some bizarre Shia hadeeths) that he will restore it or someone from his linage to be sent later(the Mahdi). Everything is about Persia for these people and focus is not on God or contemplating about him.
You gonna like this one Berke, not mentioned in Quran but supposedly this happened to Iblees:
How do people end up like this? God created world and said he created you to see who is better in deeds among you and to worship him. For this kind of people God has zero importance, no need to reflect on him, just focus on discrediting Sunni Muslims 24/7 and claiming Persia are holy chosen people that follow the truth and everyone must submit to them to be real Muslim. I even seem some bizarre thing about Persian king being informed of Qadissiyah battle results, and he said(according to some bizarre Shia hadeeths) that he will restore it or someone from his linage to be sent later(the Mahdi). Everything is about Persia for these people and focus is not on God or contemplating about him.
You gonna like this one Berke, not mentioned in Quran but supposedly this happened to Iblees:
- كتابخانه معارف اسلامی - ترجمه تحريرالوسيله امام خمينى جلد چهارم - ۱ -مساءله 12 - كسيكه زوجه اى كمتر از نه سال دارد وطى او براى وى جايز نيست چه اينكه زوجه دائمى باشد، و چه منقطع ، و اما ساير كام گيريها از قبيل لمس بشهوت و آغوش گرفتن و تفخيذ(4) اشكال ندارد هر چند شيرخواره باشد، و اگر قبل از نه سال او را وطى كند اگر افضاء نكرده باشد بغير از گناه چيزى بر او نيست ، و اگر كرده باشد يعنى مجراى بول و مجراى حيض او را يكى كرده باشد و يا مجراى حيض و غائط او را يكى كرده باشد تا ابد وطى او بر وى حرام مى شود، لكن در صورت دوم حكم بنابر احتياط است و در هر حال بنا بر اقوى بخاطر افضاء از همسرى او بيرون نمى شود در نتيجه همه احكام زوجيت بر او مترتب مى شود يعنى او از شوهرش و شوهرش از او ارث مى برد، و نمى تواند پنجمين زن دائم بگيرد و ازدواجش با خواهر آن زن بر او حرام است و همچنين ساير احكام ، و بر او واجب است مادامى كه آن زنده است مخارجش را بپردازد. هر چند طلاقش داده باشد، بلكه هر چند كه آن زن بعد از طلاق شوهرى ديگرى انتخاب كرده باشد كه بنابر احتياط بايد افضا كننده نفقه او را بدهد، بلكه اين حكم خالى از قوت نيست ، و نيز بر او واجب است ديه افضا را كه ديه قتل است بآن زن بپردازد اگر آن زن آزاد است نصف ديه مرد را با مهريه ايكه معين شده و بخاطر عقد دخول بگردنش آمده به او بدهد، و اگر بعد از تمام شدن نه سال با او جماع كند و او را افضاء نمايد حرام ابدى نمى شود و ديه بگردنش نمى آيد، لكن نزديكتر به احتياط آن است كه مادامى كه آن زن زنده است نفقه اش را بدهد هر چند كه بنا بر اقوى واجب نيست .
The shia online library provides the arabic translation:Whoever has a wife under nine years old cannot penetrate her, whether she is his permanent wife or his temporary wife. But other forms of sexual pleasure are allowed, such as lustful touching, embracing, or rubbing the penis on the thigh of the girl, even if she is an infant still. And if the baby’s vagina is so badly damaged that the bladder and urethra “become the same”.he penetrates her before she is nine year old, and her hymen is not broken, he has only sinned, and if he has only sinned, but if he has, then she will be forbidden to him forever, and [he has to pay for her her entire life
مسألة 12 - لا يجوز وطء الزوجة قبل إكمال تسع سنين، دواما كان النكاح أو منقطعا، وأما سائر الاستمتاعات كاللمس بشهوة والضم والتفخيذ فلا بأس بها حتى في الرضيعة، ولو وطأها قبل التسع ولم يفضها لم يترتب عليه شئ غير الإثم على الأقوى، وإن أفضاها بأن جعل مسلكي البول والحيض واحدا أو مسلكي الحيض والغائط واحدا حرم عليه وطؤها أبدا لكن على الأحوط، في الصورة الثانية، وعلى أي حال لم تخرج عن زوجيته على الأقوى، فيجري عليها أحكامها من التوارث وحرمة الخامسة وحرمة أختها معها وغيرها، ويجب عليه نفقتها ما دامت حية وإن طلقها بل وإن تزوجت بعد الطلاق على الأحوط، بل لا يخلو من قوة، ويجب عليه دية الافضاء، وهي دية النفس، فإذا كانت حرة فلها نصف دية الرجل مضافا إلى المهر الذي استحقته بالعقد والدخول، ولو دخل بزوجته بعد إكمال التسع فأفضاها لم تحرم عليه ولم تثبت الدية، ولكن الأحوط الانفاق عليها
تفخیذ - ویکی فقهSexual intercourse with the other thigh , such as rubbing the penis , is called tafkhiz and has been talked about .
I've written a post somewhere else about mut'ah, I've copy pasted it below:here is my limited take on shia's
i don't give a rat's behind on what anyone else is doing may it be shia, christian, jew etc because i believe i have to answer for my sins and my sins only, secondly the only thing which intrigues me about shia is that rumor about "mutta" because hey being a male i love to get laid and the thing which annoys the living crap out of me is their desire to get special treatment and especially the act of blocking everything in moharam, we need to establish a hyde park kind of area outside karachi for all political, entertainment and religious activities and keep the city open may it be shia, sunni or anyone
if you get offended by my views than do what i do ... du roti ziada kha lu aur mast hu jao
2. I didn't like how easily it is described for a woman to have one mut'ah after another. This doesn't sound like marriage at all, it just sounded like prostitution but with a lot more formality and contracts.In some works a special term is applied to women who participate in mut'a: musta'jara, or 'rented woman'. Mut'a is considered a kind of 'rental' because in general a man's basic aim in this kind of marriage is the sexual enjoyment of a woman, and in return for his enjoyment the woman receives a certain amount of money or property.
In defining 'rental' the jurisprudents say: 'It is to gain possession of a benefit in exchange for a specified sum.'10 This definition applies equally to temporary marriage. In this connection a number of hadith have been recorded in which the word musta'jara is employed.11
3. Along with a time period stipulation, you can also stipulate the number of sexual acts you want from it. And if you do stipulate a number of sexual acts, you can't have engage in sexual acts more than that number of times (difference of opinion on this issue).In the case of a temporary marriage which begins after a period of postponement, there arises the question of whether or not the woman may marry a second man in the period between the conclusion of the contract and the beginning of the marriage period.
Here there are two possibilities: that it is not permitted, because the woman already has a husband; or that it is permitted, because of the existence of all the 'requisites of a contract' and the absence of an impediment. Apparently the ruling here is that a second temporary marriage would be permissible provided that the woman has enough time before the beginning of the first marriage to conclude a second marriage and then to observe her waiting period.
4. A woman has no right to initiate a sex act in mut'ah.However, if the time period is mentioned along with the condition that the marriage will entail only a certain number of sexual acts, the contract is correct, Here the juridical principle that comes into play is enunciated in the Prophet's saying: 'The believers hold fast to their conditions [when they stipulate them in agreements]. '43
In such a situation, as soon as the man has performed the agreed number of sexual acts, further sexual intercourse with the woman is forbidden, even if the time period has not elapsed. There is no contradiction between the continuation of the marriage and the interdiction of sexual relations.
5. It is permissible but considered reprehensible to conduct mut'ah with a virgin because it brings a stain over her family.According to the second opinion, intercourse is permitted. Since in mut'a-in contrast to permanent marriage-a woman does not have the right to initiate a sexual act, the obstacle to sexual relations in the present situation is the woman's unwillingness to permit anything more than what was agreed upon in the contract. But the contract itself establishes the permissibility of intercourse. So if the obstacle is removed, the result will be that the contract as such will come into play.44
It is also reprehensible, without any exceptions, to contract a temporary marriage with a virgin, by reason of the words of the Imam Ja'far: 'It is reprehensible, because it is a stain upon her family.'29 If a contract should nevertheless be concluded, it is not permissible for the man to consummate the marriage, unless the marriage took place with the permission of her father-a condition almost impossible to imagine in Muslim society. 'A virgin may not be married temporarily without her father's permission' (the Imam al-Rida).30