well I dislike Bernie Sanders
1. he insults the 1-2% wealthy, however he himself is wealthy and doesn't share his wealth (like he tells other Billionaires to do)
2. believes everyone equally should make $15 an hour, yet only paid his interns $12 an hour
A meme claiming Bernie Sanders paid his interns $12 an hour while campaigning for a $15 per hour minimum wage misses some key points.
3.him and his followers both act entitled, wanting other people to "pay equally" so he could while barely donating any of his funds to his own campaign, that's a bit odd to me.
Elizabeth Warren
1. she hates corporate elites, while supporting the middle class/working class, but what's funny is she "rubbed elbows" to get $$$ from these corporations, Ivy League Elite Big Wigs and so on, while not actually supporting a working class that she so claims to support.
2. she rallied feminists by encouraging abortions only (not a pro-choice rally), even though she did have backlash from feminists too on that.
3. she claimed to be a full blown Native American to get into a top notch university which upseted both liberals and conservatives alike (she has tried to quiet it, but unsuccessfully)