I think Donald Trump is a genius! He is just stirring up those conservatives who are despondent, or asleep. I believe he knows exactly what he is doing. He obviously stepped in it when he criticized McCain's war hero status, but I would still vote for him. He is saying what a lot of people are thinking, but are too whipped by PC to say themselves. Also, I agree with bnleech. He would straighten out our economy, and let the free market alone to do its thing.
You look like jubilating, hahahaaa. But I agree with you that Mr. Trump knows what he is doing - questioning McCain's war heroism and the slur on the Mexicans. There are always 2 sides of the coin. Mexicans would hate Mr. Trump but how many Mexican voters in the US would not vote for Mr. Trump and how many would? Despite that racist statement, I'm sure there are Mexican voters who would still vote for him, i.e. if they believe in his platform.