Yes Hitler ran on hate, whereas Trump has not expressed hatred for anyone, only the rights and liberties for people who are U.S. citizens. Don't forget, the people who were persecuted by Hitler were citizens, not invaders. To draw a parallel between Trump and Hitler is disingenuous, to say the least.
Didn't Hitler attempt to eliminate the jews in Poland, as well? I bring this up because the polish weren't German citizens.
Check this out! I am going to post the inscription on the Statue of Liberty.
"Inscription on the Statue of Liberty"
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
It almost sounds like the principal's this country was founded on
weren't racism and bigotry. Crazy, right?
Now we have Obama, who ran on "hope and change." The only hope I've seen is for illegals and other criminals, and people who support Obama,
Is this maybe a typo that just makes it sound like you are grouping all "illegals" into the "criminals" category? I'm sure its a typo. No way could anyone be that full of bigotry and racism.
the only change being that our morals and values are going down the sewer!
Not shoving YOUR religion down someone's throat until they choke on it, isn't the same thing as being persecuted or discriminated against. And, honestly, if you can be a good person unless the government tells you whats right and whats wrong, all taken from the book Christians are suppose to memorize, anyway, you are just as bad if not worse than the mexicans you can't stop bitching about.