Canada has just chosen the OTO Malara 127/64 LW Vulcano gun system from Leonardo for at least the first 3 CSC Type 26 Frigates. A contract was signed on the 21st of April 2021, with the Leonardo company for 4 of these gun systems (3 for installation and 1 for training). So what about the rest of the Frigates? Does this mean the other 12 CSC Frigates will receive the BAE MK 45 Mod 4 naval gun? Why not buy all 15 OTO Malara 127/64 LW gun systems for every CSC Frigate or does this mean just an initial purchase with other contracts to follow? The gun is certainly lighter than the MK 45 but most likely more expensive. Weight and cost seem to be an issue here. The Leonardo OTO Malara 127/64 LW Vulcano gun will also offer the CSC Frigates the ability to fire extended-range, precision-guided munitions – both in guided long-range and the ballistic extended-range versions, as well as conventional 5” ammunition. This contract was a bit of a surprise as most experts have always said that the MK 45 Mode 4 Gun was always the 'Front-Runner" for the CSC Frigate. The British and Australian Type 26 Frigates have always said that they will be installing the Mk 45 on their Frigate designs. I'm not sure if all the CSC Frigates will have this Leonardo gun system, or just the first 3 frigates as AAW ships weapon systems. The contract just doesn't indicate that so far. The purchase report can be seen below.
Leonardo to supply 127/64 LW gun systems for CSC frigate programme
Leonardo has been awarded a contract by Lockheed Martin Canada to supply its OTO 127/64 LW Vulcano medium-calibre naval gun for the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN’s)...
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