I shall confess that I am guilty as charged ..... I know I am smart .......Come on dude, you are smarter than this.

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I shall confess that I am guilty as charged ..... I know I am smart .......Come on dude, you are smarter than this.
F-16 blk-52+ with CFT but the problem is we have no Medium or Long range cruise missile which is integrated with itChief, the Blk52's have a comfortable Combat Radius of 500km. Lets assume that an air tanker is available for them, do the Blk52's have the capability to launch 600km to 800km stand off weapons?
Point A is a refueling station 75kms off Ormara.
Point B gives you access to Ahmedabad (+/-550kms), Surat (diamond capital of India +/-550kms), Mumbai (+/-630 km)
SO which a/c can do this today?
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It could either be the J15 or the JH7A's
If there is any question as to which camp you might end up, no F-35s and you get what you get with F-16s.I said this on other fourm I will also say this here ….. If PAF want F-16s then , PAF have to end US monopoly on her , And how can PAF do that , First double down work on JF-17 block III , 2020 production line , and announce JF-17 NG , 2nd and most important buy one decent medium or heavy category bird with AESA Radar , birds like J-10 . J-15 , J-16 , SU-35 , EFT ……
The day USA see F-16s are not important for PAF (unfortunately 27th Feb prove US how important F-16s are for us) and USA lost her monopoly / control over PAF they will sell us F-16s with all the latest goodies , they even offer us F-35s to keep us (PAF) in USA camp …..
So if PAF want F-16s and F-35 in future , bring in JF-17 B-III as quick is possible , announce JF-17 NG , buy one new bird with AESA radar (J-10 , J-15 , J-16 , SU-35 , EFT)...
Pardon my lack of information, could you educate me when and how?oman has been ditched by india hard so some light at the end of tunnel
Bhai why JH-7 now China is offering H-6 for export, literally 10-12 jet integrated it with 700km Babur missile and if possible we should try to modify our Abdali missile for air launch version with active radar seeker, this will give us a local alternative to imported CM-400 AKG but with much greater range and each H-6 would be capable to carry six such missiles.Hi,
With the JH7's you would have to add air to air refuelling probe---.
H-6 (Chinese modified Soviet Tu-16 Badger) are modernized cold war era design strategic long range bombers. The downside being an unrealistic 450+ mph speed and extremely large RCS. Such platforms require the support paraphernalia that only a country with major military might and economics can muster. It would need longer ranged munitions to stay clear of the enemy's AD range, as it lacks the shoot and scoot capability.Bhai why JH-7 now China is offering H-6 for export, literally 10-12 jet integrated it with 700km Babur missile and if possible we should try to modify our Abdali missile for air launch version with active radar seeker, this will give us a local alternative to imported CM-400 AKG but with much greater range and each H-6 would be capable to carry six such missiles.
This combination of platform and weapon package would play such a horrific role against Indian Navy fleet in open sea and against coastal defence installation of India that it would almost eliminate the need for any ship in destroyers category for PN for considerable time, it will increase our lethal reach of air power in sea warfare at least till horn of Africa in the south and till Kochi in the east which is HQ of Indian Navy southern command
something done by @Khafee lolPardon my lack of information, could you educate me when and how?
and their listening post..?oman has been ditched by india hard so some light at the end of tunnel
one small glitch point alpha is in omani airspace and indians have a listening post nearby but that can be dealt.major issue is huge uncle presence on masira island nearby
i got u lolPoint Alpha was put in Omani Air space for a reason. Nonetheless do you think in the event of hostilities, that lisetning post would be functioning?
Masira, is not an issue.
Exactly for these two reason I purposed to use it in Naval role with long range anti-ship and land attack SOWH-6 (Chinese modified Soviet Tu-16 Badger) are modernized cold world era design strategic long range bombers. The downside being an unrealistic 450+ mph speed and extremely large RCS. Such platforms require the support paraphernalia that only a country with major military might and economics can muster. It would need longer ranged munitions to stay clear of the enemy's AD range, as it lacks the shoot and scoot capability.
Which long range cruise missiles / hypersonic missiles does Pakistan have to be used with this platform?Exactly for these two reason I purposed to use it in Naval role with long range anti-ship and land attack SOW
Now here the important things to note are
- India do not have sufficient airpower to save guard all of its Naval assets in open sea
- Reach of Indian Air force and Naval Air Arm from Indian shoers in open sea reach will remain limited
- H-6 with new D-30 engines have combat radius of 3000+ km combine this rang with already avaliable Cruise missiles give you the range no Indian aircraft can match or counter
- With only one aircraft carrier and underpower carrier battle group supported by MiG-29 which from aircraft carrier could not perform CAP in excess of 200 nm for longer period of time
- There second aircraft carrier group would also face the same issue of comparativly less number of ship
- This will force India either to disperse their naval assets in open sea out of the reach of H-6 or would force IN to concentrate them in highly defended packets under SAM network supported by fighter aircrafts both from land and Carrier base to tackel SOW
- In any case this will kill the plan of Indian Navy to enforce blockade against Pakistan
-Keep in mind the utillty of H-6 come from three basic factors
- Long Range Combat Radius
- Ability to Carry six long range missiles which mean a group of Five or Six H-6 can fire 30-36 missiles which will create a situration scenario for any air defence system
- Abbility to Launch long range Cruise missiles or potentially hypesonic missiles staying outside the danger zone or the enemy striking range