Good question, but in past Pakistan received Erieye AWACS which were sold to Saudi ArabiaWho's gonna pay for all them toys?
There figures are hard to believe...even if you price the jet at 80million per aircraft
55 new jets would set us back by atleast 4.5 billion dollars at the very least
Too good to be true

Saab 2000 lands secretive AEW&C deal
Saab has secured an SKr1.6 billion ($165 million) order for an undisclosed number of its Saab 2000 Erieye airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) system aircraft.
Now just like any other Pakistani, you must be wondering, why than Pakistan's ruling party is doing all in their authority to sabotage such a historic and profitable relationship,.... answer is Indian 'cold start' doctrine, which is being implemented vehemently in Pakistan, via Iranian loyalists, within and out side Imran Khan cabinet and Imran Khan him self is part and parcel of the new world order, where Saudi Arabia will part ways with Pakistan.