The Army of Islam: Militant group battling ISIS and the Syrian regime show their might in 'graduation ceremony' featuring 1,700 soldiers and a fleet of armoured tanks
By Robert Verkaik and Jay Akbar For Mailonline
- Jaysh Al-Islam fights against government soldiers in Syrian city of Damascus
- Made up of around '60 rebel factions', it also opposes Islamist groups like ISIS
- Held the 'largest military parade witnessed' since start of the Syrian revolution
- Saudi Arabia is 'funding the group with millions of dollars in arms and training'
Published: 10:44 GMT, 30 April 2015 | Updated: 12:47 GMT, 30 April 2015
A militant group which opposes both ISIS and the Syrian regime has released a striking video showing off 1,700 troops, fleet of armoured tanks and special forces soldiers in an impressive military parade.
These men form a small part of Jaysh Al-Islam - or Army of Islam - who reportedly command as many as 25,000 loyal fighters following the merger of up to 60 rebel factions inside Syria.
Dozens of masked special units show off a range of skills including close-range combat in what the group claims is the 'largest military parade witnessed' since the dawn of the Syrian revolution in 2011.
Strength: Four armoured tanks and thousands of soldiers formed part of a graduation ceremony (pictured) held by Jaysh Al-Islam, a militant group that opposes ISIS and the Syrian regime
Powerful: The group, who are allegedly being funded by Saudi Arabia, show of a fleet of armoured tanks (pictured) during the graduation ceremony for its recruits
Elite: Its special forces units (pictured) showed off an array of acrobatic kicks and close-combat skills in front of their leaders
Discipline: As many as 1,700 soldiers stood to attention as their commander referred to them as the 'leaders of the Mujahidin', which roughly translates as 'those who fight in a Jihad'
The group operates in the embattled Syrian city of Damascus and their ongoing battle against President Bashar Al-Assad is reportedly funded by the wealthy nation of Saudi Arabia.
The Arab kingdom has sent millions of dollars to arm and train their fighters so they can defeat the Syrian regime and 'increasingly powerful Jihadi organisations', according to the Guardian.
Known as the Army of Islam, the insurgent group was created in 2011 when Saudi Arabia allegedly engineered the merger of over 50 rebel factions after growing alarmed at the rise if Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria.
It is a fierce enemy of both those Islamist groups as well as Jabhat Al-Nusra, but embraces independent rebel forces and 'non-Jihadi' units.
Their graduation ceremony for trainee soldiers in the Ghouta suburb of Damascus was attended by the militants' leadership who watch proudly as their troops march in perfect unison across the expanse.
Jaysh Al-Islam is led by Sheikh Zahran Aloush who addresses the thousands of armed soldiers and tanks once they have assembled on the vast concrete ground below.
Joining forces: Jaysh Al-Islam was formed when up to 60 rebel factions in Syria merged to fight the Syrian regime
Armed: Soldiers rested on the Army of Islam's many tanks (pictured) as their leaders commanded them to 'continue to wage Jihad'
Commander: The group is led by Sheikh Zahran Aloush (pictured), who is considered one of the most powerful leaders in rebel-held Syria
Fierce: His fighters, who marched in perfect unison in Damascus, are waging a battle against ISIS in Syria and have reportedly attacked their headquarters in the Lebanese city of Arsal
The Salafist leader is considered one of the most power military chiefs in rebel-held Syria and called for the 'cleansing' of all Alawite and Shiites in Damascus.
He says to his soldiers: 'Today, legions of Mujahadin, stand in readiness to raise the banner of Allah, uphold his words, move forward to fight and defend his religion.
'Know paradise is waiting for us since we either achieve victory or die in honour... So take your strength from Allah and wage Jihad in the cause of your Lord.
'We will leave these fields in which we finished our course and preparation and we will continue waging Jihad.'
He refers to their enemies, which include Islamic State and Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad's troops, as the 'dirtiest and most despicable enemies of Allah'.
In February, Aloush tweeted that his insurgents had ambushed Islamic State's fighters at their headquarters in the Lebanese city of Arsal, according to reports by AL Monitor.
Might: Their incredible show of strength in their Damascus stronghold of Ghouta included a fleet of armoured tanks
Deadly: That was followed by a series of choreographed drills from its masked special forces units who - unlike their comrades - dressed entirely in black
Force: The graduation ceremony was held for Jaysh Al-Islam's trainee soldiers who stood to attention as fleets of armoured vehicles drove past
They allegedly 'killed and wounded three and took out the eye of a fourth person' in what was reportedly their first act of aggression outside of Syrian territory.
His tweets also indicated the group - which is widely known for its links to Saudi Arabia - was prepared to carry out military attacks outside Syria.
AL Monitor claimed his tweets referenced ISIS's expansion in the Ghouta and Qalamoun suburbs of Damascus which it controls.
He said the attack in Arsal was retaliation for the bombing Islamic State carried out on its headquarters in the Ghouta suburb.
Militant group battling ISIS and the Syrian regime show their might | Daily Mail Online
Combat skills shown in the above photos are that of a regular army! The demonstration of the skills is implication that those forces have gotten an external help.
The armour seen in this photo seems to me that some tanks may have crossed into Syria from somewhere else. If I recall correctly, Assad army doesn't operate heavily protected tanks.