But to a Zoroastrian, you are Arab first, before being Muslim.
Wrong doc ......... I am an enemy a threat first, an enemy you should fear and be watchful of

But to a Zoroastrian, you are Arab first, before being Muslim.
Wrong doc ......... I am an enemy a threat first, an enemy you should fear and be watchful of........ I am huge fan and strong follower of the people who brought your great empire to its knees and your king to his senses. Have you forgotten all that they did to your people? We are friends who would clash anytime ....... I am not your average Muslim friend, I have my views very clear about what your forefathers did to avenge their humiliation
If only Muslim leaders of that time were permitted to keep bodyguards and distance themselves from the common people ...... which Islam doesn't allow .......... and doc if it was a defeat I won't be here chit chatting with you. Things will turn back to being pure again, its promised and it is bound to happen ..... if not these people some better people will replace them. Islam is not bound by nationalities, boundaries, blood lines ........ its a message that would attract any reasonable thinking logical mind ..... I can guarantee you that.
I do not envy Islam the place it found itself in.
In the Persians it found its most formidable sword arm. Hell, India was Islamized by them! Not the Arabs who raided and retreated.
In the Persians Islam also found its greatest accomplishments in literature, art, poetry, philosophy, architecture.
Islam's "golden age" was nothing but a continuum of the Persian golden age. Now under the crescent banner.
So Islam has really no feet to blame the Persians. Coz Islam and the Muslim world would be nowhere what it is today without what the Persian race brought to it and with them.
But yes, you and me also know what else was down in those days. And what has now grown and is about to bear fruit.
Doc Arabs themselves were great poets, Caliph Umer under whose Caliphate Muslim Army entered Persia was a poet himself. And those people were fairly liberal and open minded and had thinking brains, their strategies were the reason that Romans and Persians were defeated simultaneously, the two super powers of their times. I don't deny that Persians weren't smart and civilised ...... I only ask a simple question, how come they achieved all this which you say they achieved after converting to Islam? What changed? These were same people no?
The time for fruit is over doc ....... it's about time to being normal again and drop the fairy tales as part of faith. Many people went Atheist believing these fairy tales and not these fair tales not making any sense to them ..... but fortunately they found a reasonable person to separate fairy tales from truth for them and make them understand Islam easier.
You speak of Zoroastrianism (and Mithraism before it) as fairy tales, and Islam the final rationalistic panacea to all world evils.
I see Islam as the Arabs finally getting the message.
Don't know about finally either, coz there still seems to be some talk of yet another messenger in the firm if a Mahdi .... yet to come. At the head of a black turbaned army.
Suffice to say, we've received the message 8000 years ago, and are still here.
The fire still burns. Both physically and in our hearts.
Not just a a few thousand remaining Parsi hearts, but many million Persian hearts.
For that is and will always be Ahura Mazda's land, and His chosen people.
A few swords from the adjoining desert lands is not going to change that.
Maybe the two of us will see it in our respective lifetime? Who knows!
Ushta te.
Cheers, Doc
Ha, economics, literature, Engineering, what else Nilgiri. ' sir... ninkal unmai yaru?'I like malayalam. It has a calming effect hearing something go by so quick. I guess I can understand better than most Tamilians being from the border area + family ancestry etc. Definitely understand it lot better than Kannada and Telugu....and even what passes off as Tamil in Chennai a lot of the time. They retain lot of sanskrit words too, makes it easier in my case these days. I found later in life the numbers I use are essentially malayali rather than pure kaveri + eastern tamil too (nallu, anchu versus nanku/eindu for four/five etc)....definitely its somewhat of a language continuum in many regards.
Lot of great poetry came from the Chera age, back when still west coast Tamil "dialect" there...but many will tell you Malayalam has much longer history....in fact when it diverged from "Tamil" in a standardised definable form, I would date back to much earlier than 300 years. Maybe 700 at least. But very mututally intelligible during that period even, for longest time as a kid I thought the Jnanappana and other nice poems were Tamil. ...because even in Tamil there is much variance in register/dialect etc depending on the particular area of origin.
Sorry Bro I am late but same to uSalam / Hi / Hello people .......... happy new year to all of you, may the days and years ahead be full of blessings for all of you and your families.
@Indus Falcon ......... bari dair kar di mehrban atay atay........ welcome aboard nice to have you with us bro
@SOUTHie @vsdoc @Atalay @jbgt90 @Nilgiri
@khafee @Joe Shearer @WebMaster @Scorpion @Legend
@H!thchiker @Tps77 @Hellhound @Zarvan
Ha, economics, literature, Engineering, what else Nilgiri. ' sir... ninkal unmai yaru?'![]()
Tamil is not so easy for a Malayali.
And the original Tamil has a lot of difference.
I'm talking about the old Tirukkural. That's all I know.
Forget all that, the Tamil, spoken in the Movie Subramaniapuram is so hard to grasp for me.
Back to your note. I remember, as a 'furriner', how difficult I found adjusting to quarrelsome, squabbling Madras (as it still was when I shifted), and what a relief it was to listen to the Tamil of Madurai, and to deal with a completely transformed, far more dignified and respectful culture, where you counted for something as long as your manners were in place. It isn't just the variance in register or dialect, there are huge cultural distances, even in as homogenous a state as Tamil Nadu. Some attribute it maliciously to the influence of the immediate northern neighbours.