Brother we know there will nothing happenes with blink of eye. But expect imran khan who is there from PTI members and why imran khan is not delivering you need to figure it out because he was said if captain of team is good or not croupt then every thing will be controlled but let may i know you after taking this regime under the Premier ship of imran khan crouption is more then past believe me.I am always up for a healthy debate so feel free to Open up any issue and any field and I would Love to discuss . Everything needs to be seen in its proper context .
I hate kids and juvenile posters saying incoherent and toddler posts and insulting their own country.
There is no issue of enough time or not. It will take Generations to change the thinking, working and attitude of this nation . IK cannot achieve anything alone. May be he will succeed or may be he will make a small difference but at least he has shown Pakistan that there are clean and uncorruptable politicians .... he has set a stage high in ethics and clean politics that does not rely on family harami generations .
At least he deserve our appreciation and helping hand .
enough of this crying that he has not achieved anything in two years .If I buy a business and want to start making money only to find out that the previous owner borrowed so much money that no matter how much or how hard i work I will never be able to pay it off then please tell me how am I supposed to feed my family?
I just checked, a niazi's fan is getting too much angry and hot![]()
I suggest you remove this. In Canada we have very strict child pornography laws. This falls under that catagory. If you were in Canada you would get in a serious trouble.
Sorry, I don't knowcan someone please tell me if there is an ignore button and where can I find it.
Ok put you on ignored list... when ever you finish grade 7 education or reach IQ of 70 I will
Add you back.
take care
We call it "target Fixation" you loose Situational Awareness, and end up like Abhinandon, or worse.Idol worshipers of Pakistani political idols have simply no sense of humor!
In fact they don't have any kind of sense
Patwari = Jiala = Yuthia = Creatures of darkness, where they live only with their idol.
This happened probably 20 years back but it’s very relevant to this discussion .
I went to visit my friend in his apartment building and he told me that his neighbour was arrested and taken away for beating his wife. He was a habitual wife beater and police had enough of him. I knew his neighbour and I was like good riddance .
A week later I went for jumma and it was announced that a stormy emergency meeting is called to discuss some serious masjid matter . So curious I ended up in the gym to watch the drama. There was a loud commotion going on and there was this man leading the charge and was ready to rip his cloths off and giving lectures and examples on Islam as he was an angel. Long behold I recognized him as my friend’s neighbour who was arrested for habitually nearing his wife!!!!!
what a guiding light for the mosque to follow and listen to.
same thing here.... some members ridicule joke and insult the very and only uncorruptable Man in Pakistan over his handling of issues. But if you ask them if they have donated a dollar to have stake in this conversation I bet my life they will have not donated a penny.
for people like this I say S... the F ... u.
This goes for everyone. When quoting an offensive post, pls edit it, so that it does not show up in your post as well.I suggest you remove this. In Canada we have very strict child pornography laws. This falls under that catagory. If you were in Canada you would get in a serious trouble.
You are telling me, he just figured this out once he became PM?I believe you.
Sir this is not an issue of magically erasing the sickness of last 60 years. A country where corruption and parchi is so common that nothing even moves without bribe. Maulvis are corrupt , Awam is corrupt and everything in between is making their cut.
Delivering ? How do you expect him to deliver ? Bureaucracy , police , judges , department heads are all installed by harami tubbar and his family. Everytime he tries to remove someone they go running to Islamabad or Lahore high court and get postponements.
he arrested every known politician and where are they now ? Who gave them bails?
these judges are the truest haram khour of our nation. What decides who will become the judge of high court and Supreme Court? Sifarish , parchi, bribe ! And you expect these people to serve justice and carry out orders?
Imran is forced to play with a bad team
Sir you left Pakistan a while ago. Situation is pathetic today. PTI has divided the society at so dangerous level that no other group could do that in past.We call it "target Fixation" you loose Situational Awareness, and end up like Abhinandon, or worse.
We should all pray that Allah Almighty gives us the courage & wisdom, to not induldge in idol worship, and follow his commands in Surah Asr.
I would like to mention a verified incident, of Hazrat Umar bin Al Khattab R.A.Sir you left Pakistan a while ago. Situation is pathetic today. PTI has divided the society at so dangerous level that no other group could do that in past.
If Mr. Niazi declares himself a prophet today, many of his followers will believe in his claim.
Anyone who points finger at his corruption is immediately declared "Patwari". Like this gentleman did and if somebody is able to hit them in face then they start crying.
BTW once I was Yuthia too, though I have no right to vote in Pakistan but I remained a part of them in Germany. Now I am again human being .. Alhamdolillah.