@Pakhtoon yum
J-10 Talks aren’t new but quite old, Since the A version era.
However, After CPEC got finalized, The threat spectrum increased, New fronts opened, New requirements and Capacity, We were already short of fighters even then to face the numbers of IAF.
Now, The requirements of Pak Military
UNTIL NOW WERE in terms of Air Warfare are
- Area denial
- Ground attack
- Naval offensive
PAF was missing out on two key Missions,
- Air superiority
- Deep strike
Air superiority role was meant to be fulfilled by F-16s which have been quite successful in that regards but not anymore in near future.
Our enemy is slowly but progressively building up, Upgrading current assets or planning to...
Deep strike role requires an aircraft with good range but the aircraft alone will be a sitting duck so it needs companions to perform EW/ECCM, Blind enemy radars and provide a cover as well as launch decoys.
This is where I think J-15D and J-10B/C combination fits in, J-15 being the growler as well as air superiority fighter in a team while J-10s are the Anti Ground Fighters in this scenario.
Definitely You will need waves while performing such an attack, A first wave of JF-17s coupled with some Anti ground deep strike J-10s, JF-17s to distract them, J-15 following closely to blind them as well as provide air support while J-10s remaining low, Go for the Hunt.
As for Your Mirage question, Bhai mein bhi jawabless hon is mamlay mein

Shayad Bholari ke liye hon, Deep strike in Indian part of sindh or maybe Naval strike.
F-16s, Just for Area denial and Defence of the local skies.