Typical. I'm not Muslim or Christian. But I know enough about both to know you are an judgmental egotist who assumes that because you have an opinion it must be right. Did you ever consider the possibility that the idea of Jesus isn't nearly as realistic as the idea of Mohammad? Maybe, for some people, worshipping Jesus equates to believing in Santa Claus? Just a thought.Well, islam is not a race, so I am not racist. There is no "islamic gene" in the human genome. It doesn't seem to matter that according to you, the verse about killing Jews and Christians no longer applies because apparently not every follower of islam has received that message. It is well known to the world that islamic followers make a special point to kill Christians and Jews since the time of mohammed.
I've read at least part of the qur'an (still working on it) and I can tell you it's a cheap knockoff of the Bible. Mainly it's a bunch of repetitive "flowery" phrases (so far). You want to know why it's flowery repetitive statements? Because mohammed had nothing of substance to say. If you take a step back and look at it with critical thinking, he adds NOTHING.
Jesus was/is Perfect. There is simply no comparison between the two men. Jesus and mohammed. For the life of me, I cannot understand how anyone could read the New Testament, read the qur'an, etc. and then decide that mohammed was the "most perfect example of a man". For heaven's sake he MURDERED people. He was a thief. He owned slaves. Perfect people (Jesus) didn't need to steal and they don't need to kill others. He simply created what He needed. He would never treat someone so horribly as to think He should have "owned" them. He didn't come here to murder people, He came here to SAVE people from Hell.
If islam was truly "peaceful" then the world would not have a problem with it. If anything, the buddhists are the most anal retentive about peace. They bend over backwards to not even step on bug so as not to harm it. The bottom line is that the ideology of islam does not produce good fruit. If it did, the world is intelligent enough to be able to recognize that it did (produce good fruit) and there would be no problem. I am neither childish, racist nor prejudice. I simply can recognize the difference between good and bad. You should too.
Bigotry is never on the right side of any argument. Your prejudice makes you sound like a fool.