That's sad that we live in a world of so much hate. It seems that some people are pre-wired to follow the majority's rule and not for a second think that they can get the same treatment. They say if you live by the sword, you die by the sword but not all Muslims are extremist. There's no point in trying to destroy a whole for what a small percent is doing.They're not all bad, we must understand that these type of actions will not get us no further than where we are now. It's like adding fule to an ever consuming fire.This is ridiculous and ignorant. It is not the Muslim nation doing this... it is the extremist that are the problem. If there is one thing I can't stand, it's ignorance. I happen to have friends who are Muslim who hate what is happening and feel that the Islamist Extremist should be wiped out. Most Muslims feel this way and do not recognize them as Muslim. They go against their teachings and commit atrocities that are against the teachings of Mohammad and thus against Ali. I'm not Muslim and I know little of the religion but it is the Islamist Extremist that are the problem, not Muslims.
It would be very hard to kill all terrorist just as it would be hard to kill all Muslims. It is necessary that we do, however, start war against terrorist around the world. There is a need for better intelligence gathering so there won't be a need for more boots on the ground. I do agree with you though, all terrorist should die but you know that sometimes we can charge the wrong people with that act."Kill All Terrorists" would be more appropriate. I can't believe how much attitudes are changing - there has always been a slight racist undercurrent in society (well certainly in the UK, where I live) - but now people are freely exhibiting their racist views. I agree that this is akin to Hitler's viewpoint but must point out that World War 2 only ended 70 years ago, in our grandparents lifetime.
Our world has gone insane. In response to Paris shooting now people are trending [HASHTAG]#KillAllMuslims [/HASHTAG]
Lack of adequate information is very dangerous. Muslims do not kill people but terrorists do. They hide behind a religion to commit these crimes. Terrorists are cowards who have to hide behind others to commit crime to feel powerful. If they were really interested in bringing forth their causes, they would appear in person to be heard. They kill innocent venerable people. How do they benefit in creating suffering for people going about their lives as best as they can?
That's sad that we live in a world of so much hate. It seems that some people are pre-wired to follow the majority's rule and not for a second think that they can get the same treatment. They say if you live by the sword, you die by the sword but not all Muslims are extremist. There's no point in trying to destroy a whole for what a small percent is doing.They're not all bad, we must understand that these type of actions will not get us no further than where we are now. It's like adding fule to an ever consuming fire.
Islam is and has been for a very long time one of the top religions in the world. Almost 23% of the world population follows a Muslim religious path! You're telling me people truly want to wipe out almost a quarter of the world population just because they're Muslim?!