Hi All,
Just a rookie question.
From what i have gathered going through the forum is that PAF has shown interest in twin engine jets - Su 35, Euro fighter, j15 (most likely).
So the question is that why are we now looking for twin engine because in the past we have been happy with single engine jets? We did not feel the need to have a heavy deep strike platform before. Has there been a change in our doctrine?
If this has already been discussed or answered kindly point me in the right direction.
There is a serious issue. Everytime a chief changes, doctrines, priorities change. There is i believe no "COLLECTIVE TRI-SERVICES LONG_TERM" doctrine or might be that we are not aware of it as it's not our matter. Every new comes like a tarzan with his own so-called "SUPERIOR Mind & Plan". 27 Feb might have opened our eyes ( based on what happened internally,) might haven't, this no one can tell you exactly, not on this forum even if they know. Only our pilots/command knows what shortcomings we faced in terms of Air defence, interception, permission, BVR, radars etc. But what matters is to learn and plan wisely.
Heavy Deep Strike platform was always a must even if it wasn't in our go-to list which would be very wrong. We are outnumbered by a force which has command-structure-training shortfall. If the tables were turned, our pilots were indian pilots, we wouldn't stand 2 days in a conventional war thanks to our compared small economy and fleet size. But yea, time changes everything, what-if lets say tommorow india rectifies it's problems, wouldn't that be the biggest threat ? Not only would that be a nuclear threat but a Major conventional threat. Flankers are Missile-Trucks, India has the Super-Sukhoi program on table, never stopped considering it and near future, it might be pursued as well.
Not to forget, we have a fascist/racist/extremist person next to our border, 'KHAR-DIMAGH', can light up everything anytime when he wills, one day when he says on stage "agar hamare pilot ache hote to aj ye nai hota" just like he had regrets for rafale, then we can safely say that they have a goal which includes rigourous training. We will be left with Light Fighters, A small fleet of F-16s with NO AESA. Our Air defence is not that good as well. We are just let's say living on BONUS, God has given us a chance and we are utilising it by just playing guess-games uptil now.
We must have atleast 48-56 Flankers J-15+J-11D ( J-11D is rumoured to host rcs as low as frontal RCS of SU-35 which is i believe 3m^2). Apart from that, if InshaAllah USA gives us additional F-16s, we mustn't waste time and try to pursue for more & more until our numbers exceed 8 Squadrons. And a handsome fleet of Block 3 of just 50 but Block 1 & 2 upgraded to Block 3 standard. Then we can sit back, relax and focus heavily on AZM