We need a fighter, I agree, but if it can't occur for whatever reason, then we need to work on the next best thing.
This is where next-generation ballistic missiles can make a difference. Developing something similar to the Iskander SRBM would equip our Army with a complete missile set from 20 km, 40 km and 100 km MLRS to a 280 km SRBM (that can maneuver before releasing the warhead) to a 700+ km LACM -- it goes without saying we should work on extending the range of the LACMs too.
Likewise, it's high time to work on integrating the Ra'ad and Ra'ad II to the JF-17, and add something like Raptor III and SOM to enable the conventional deep-strike element.
I like you so far---. This is war---you need to think different---you need to think on your feet---you need to learn to stop on a dime and change direction---. You cannot depend on surface launch missiles---they never solve the prolem.
Air superiority is a great thing to have---but it is not the only thing in itself---. Situational awareness and geography plays an extremely vital role---.
The BVR combat and the range of BVR missiles brings a lots of confusion to the air combat---and this confusion creates indecision---you get bogged down into the enemy's bvr missile range to our missile range---.
But smart and canny operator would start to think out of the box and would want to find ways to outsmart and out maneuver the enemy...
Jalal ud Din caught the mongol army in a narrow pass at Pansjsher valley I believe or somewhere closeby in that region---the mongols were great horsemen---the narrow valley did not give them much room to move around on their horses---Jalal asked his troops to dismount and shoot at the army from the ground---. Standing on the ground---gave better footing to the archer and the enemy suffered---.
This conflict became a major victory for Jalal ud Din---because he saw the geography and used it to his advantage---.
In a similar manner our geography of gwadar pasni gives us a great advantage over the enemy---.
First of all---when the aircraft takes off and flies straight down over arabian sea---the enemy awacs cannot pickup our aircraft---. If our aircraft keep flying about 500 miles parallel to enemy coastline and stay below 1000 1500 ft---they will be very difficult to detect---next to impossible.
Now if the enemy aircraft take off---we will know where they are headed---so our aircraft are flying parallel to indian coastline---enemy aircrafts take off to intercept our aircraft---they will T bone our aircraft---that makes a T---is that right---now we can launch our aircraft from karachi and hit the enemy aircraft in the flank.
Can some one draw what I am saying