Sorry to say but neither do I nor all my extended family vote in any pakistani elections. We stopped around 2007ish.
Those that vote and bring in corrupt people are equally responsible for their crimes and looting. I dont know about you but I'm scared to face the lord and answer on why I took part in looting my nation and it's people. Thats why unless there is someone we trust completely and is an honest man, we shall not take part.
Hahahha & how will we know the person is honest & capable?? Bhae koi Divine Message tu nahi aye ga from Allah.
Hit & try method he ha na. Sorry to say but I am amused by your logic. How could I say PPP/PMLN is corrupt & not capable & how can you say same for IK or any body else until you try em out??
Hahahah, brother Allah nay tu nahi message bhejna na, this way is the way forward. Aise tu aap sari zindagi aise he raho gay. Until & unless you try someone how on earth can you say he is not honest or honest ??
Am amused really