I agree 100%. I don't think we need to invade/conquer/annex Afghanistan. That land is not called graveyard of civilizations for nothing.@Counter-Errorist and @Pakhtoon yum Chill bros both of you are our dearest friends and great forum members so need all your inputs .OK before going any further let me tell you i m practically involve with AFG issues to last 25 years and NOT ONLY ONLINE cant say i m expert but chaloo yeh maan lu bhai ko kuch pata hailet me give u 2 examples of how they even fight with eachother.After 2001 when Hamid Karzai was gathering troops of so called invasion he was surrounded by Taliban near some village .They asked Mullah Omar what to do ,he said if he don't fire on you let him go .Hard to understand them?sure.One more regarding Ahmed Shah Masood which mostly portray as villain to whom i consider just one leader not agree with our plans.One of taliban convey trucks missed the track and find themselves near Ahmed Shah Masood militia posts .They were under range but he smile and order his soldiers not to shoot let them go .
All i m saying its very hard for everyone to understand their culture,tribal traditions fighting style but its not wise to judge them on our standard and culture as both are as different as chalk as cheese.so coming back to topic give your valuable inputs as this thing shaping up quickly we will see many changes in next 3 months
What needs to be impressed upon the Afghans is that prosperity of their people lies with harmonious living side by side with Pakistan and not by allying with India or Iran or any other foreign power. 20 years of massive American presence and billions of dollars pumped in and they are still in the same medieval time warp. A stable and secure Afghanistan would mean CPEC route can be extended to Central Asian Republics providing a route for them to export and import via Gwader. Afghanistan would benefit from transit fee initially and hopefully improved economic conditions will result in better opportunities for people. There is a saying "rising tide lifts all boats". That needs to be the cornerstone of our carrot and stick policy. Make it clear to them let bygones be bygones start fresh. If they still act villainous or claim areas upto Attock as part of Afghanistan, then Taliban will be the answer. In that case build a buffer in provinces adjacent to Pakistan and make sure no Anti Pak element can take root there. If clean collaboration happens then there is massive economic benefit for all.
We, Pakistanis also needs to learn from our mistakes. As you mentioned Ahmad Shah Masood was really treated shabbily by us. I was in Peshawar 83-87. Too young to grasp the dynamics at that time. But he was viewed with suspicion whenever he would come for support. Our fauji quarter master would not give him anything from the Saudi/Amreeki largesse. It is a miracle how he kept Soviets out of Panjsher. Obviously he remembered that when he came to power. So we also need to give up our in built prejudices and give them a chance with open hearts.
For me key would be economic prosperity. Once you have it -- Realpolitik kicks in
There will be agents who will stand in the way as they profit by a lawless and backward Afghanistan, they will need to be dealt with and anyone who shows AntiPak tendencies.