It was so painful hearing about his martyrdom, may Allah bless his soul.
It's sad what is going on no doubt about that, and I just hope the people can find a way to solve this problem. Who is at the bottom of this madness we will probably never know.ISIS video claims burning Jordanian pilot alive
A new video released by ISIS on Tuesday claimed to show the burning alive of First Lt. Moaz al-Kasasbeh, a Jordanian air force pilot.
Staff Writer, Al Arabiya News
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on Tuesday published video images allegedly showing the burning alive of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh, who was captured by the militant group in December after his fighter F-16jet crashed.
The Jordanian government confirmed ISIS had killed the captive pilot and said this had happened on Jan. 3, state television reported.
In a televised statement, Jordan’s armed forces vowed to avenge the killing of the pilot. “The blood of the martyr will not have been shed in vain and... vengeance will be proportional to this catastrophe that has struck all Jordanians,” said army spokesman General Mamduh al-Amiri.
Meanwhile, Jordan’s King Abdullah cut a visit to Washington following the news of the pilot's killing.
“His Majesty the King, the supreme commander of the armed forces, has cut his visit to the United States after the news of
the martyrdom of the hero pilot,” state television said.
The White House has said the U.S. intelligence community was working to authenticate the video and it condemned the militant group.
President Barack Obama said that if the video purporting to show the burning alive of a Jordanian pilot is authenticated, it just shows the organization's “barbarity.”
“Should in fact this video be authentic, it's just one more indication of the viciousness (and) barbarity of this organization,” Obama said, adding it would “redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of the global coalition to make sure” the ISIS group is “ultimately defeated.”
Earlier, the White House issued a statement saying: “The United States strongly condemns ISIL’s actions and we call for the immediate release of all those held captive by ISIL.”
“We stand in solidarity with the Government of Jordan and the Jordanian people,” White House spokeswoman Bernadette Meeha said.
ISIS had demanded the Jordanian government release Sajida al-Rishawi, a prisoner on death row for terror-related crimes, as part of a swap deal for the release of Kasasbeh. But Amman insisted on proof that the pilot was alive before any exchange.
My condolences guys. May his brave soul rest in peace
Okay, I missed a few days of roaming around the forums and this is actually a bit surprising. I thought the Jordanian government already agreed on the release of the female suicide bomber in exchange for pilot? What ever happened to that?
Muslim people just plain scare me. I'm sorry I shouldn't stereotype, but they had this one guy who is a muslim they interviewed him cause he is famous for doing shows etc... He has been in america since he was a child. He speaks very good english not broken. He said he felt a sense of pride at 911. HELLO!!!!!!!!! that sent chills down my spine. That's all we need in this country.