The problem is training. If I gave you a T72 tank today, how many months would it take you to learn how to use it? How long til you were even a fraction as proficient with it as a real soldier. These are uneducated people with little chance to ´practice´ with their new equipment. They will be sitting ducks against even a 3rd world army.
And that doesn´t even include maintenance and repairs that need to happen to that equipment over the next year. This is all photo-op stuff, nothing more. The only thing ISIS can effectively do is scare and kidnap civilians.
Its not a rocket science. Any illiterate person can easily operate a tank. Google how to operate a tank and you will get hundreds of articles explaining that. Let's not forget that many of ISIS members are ex Iraqi army personnel, ex Syrian army, Libyans..etc that are knowledgeable on military equipments.